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deleted by creator
I haven’t said anything on the subject before, because I don’t care very much, but I don’t know what the alternative is supposed to be. It’s not like someone who is that famous can walk into a public airplane without putting her own safety at risk and causing trouble for other passengers.
It’s also well known that conservatives really hate her because she told her fans to vote and these memes are part of their effort to discredit her. Whether the point has any merit or not, it’s obvious who started the trend and who it’s helping.
Most problems I’ve seen between Nvidia and Linux were caused by Wayland. If you’re using Fedora with Gnome (the default) then you can try hitting the gear icon when logging in and choosing “gnome on xorg” (screenshot). That might help with the drivers.
For any other issues, Mint might be easier just because it’s based on Debian, which is immensely popular. It’s more of a well beaten path, and there’s probably more help online for any issues you run into.
If your connection is stable, the latency will more or less be the same, but TCP will consume more bandwidth because of acknowledgement packets, making it harder to keep your connection stable.
On an unstable connection, TCP latency will skyrocket as it resends packets, while UDP will just drop those packets unless the game engine has its own way of resending them. Most engines have that, but they only do it for data that is marked as “important”. For example using an item is important, but the position of your character probably isn’t, because it’ll be updated on the next tick anyway.
I know that a car pollutes…
Fair point. I always disliked the design because ORMs pretty much always use quotes, so an entity-first approach can create a lot of tables with capital letters if you’re not careful, which is then really annoying if you need to use raw SQL for anything.
Postgres normalizes table and field names to lowercase, unless you put them in quotes. It’s also case sensitive.
That means if you use quotes and capital letters when creating the table, then it’s impossible to refer to that table without using quotes.
It also means if you rename the table later to be all lowercase, then all your existing code will break.
Still a much better database than MySQL though.
Close encounters of the racist kind is a good read. Here’s the most relevant part:
Consider the H2 series “In Search of Aliens,” which, before its demise, promoted the work of Jan Udo Holey, a German writer whose antisemitic books have been banned across Europe. (Holey’s pen name, Jan Van Helsig, is a blunt Dracula reference, i.e. Jews are bloodsuckers.) The History Channel’s long-running series “Ancient Aliens,” meanwhile, features David Childress, whose books cite and build on the work of James Churchward, who promoted an ancient empire called the “lost continent of Mu,” whose “dominant race” was an “exceedingly handsome people, with clear white or olive skin.”
The history channel is entry level nazi propaganda.
Unionizing and striking are effective, but they’ll stop being effective if they become illegal. They’re already less effective than they should be, because of legal restrictions.
Protesting is only useful for getting in the news and convincing people to consider certain issues when they vote. They will never directly cause change.
And boycotting is just plain worthless. You’ll never get enough people to join a boycott for large corporations to care.
If it doesn’t have any legitimacy, then the only option left is to assassinate people until legitimacy is restored.
If you aren’t killing people, then vote.
Corporations love for you to be distracted with the methods that are futile.
That’s why saying not to vote is pro-corporation.
It doesn’t presuppose that at all. The only way to get that option is shift the overton window to the left, and the only way to do that is to vote for the candidate on the left, even if they’re not as far left as we’d like.
Voting and calling representatives is a futile approach. They’re a distraction at best.
That’s conservative, pro-corporation propaganda.
You know, normally I would agree with you, but this one feels different to me. I think it’s because there’s no endgame, so if I out-level all the enemies then there’s nothing left to play for.
enemies scale? to whag degree?
Damage, hp, and drop rarity. It means you can go anywhere in the city at any level (after act 1) and both the challenge and rewards will feel good. It’s also nice because you can grab the iconics you want for your build right away instead of playing half of the game without them.
You still gradually get more powerful as you get more perks. It’s just not as simple as out levelling the enemies anymore.
also heres what one mjnute of modded rebalanced combat looks like
TTK is still pretty high compared to that video, unless you invest heavily in the Cool tree and focus on headshots.
I’m not familiar with the mods, but the combat was definitely rebalanced. Enemies scale with your level now, guns themselves were rebalanced, armor is on cyberware instead of clothing, and the new perk trees are more consistently useful instead of some perks being worthless and others being game breaking.
You’re mostly water.