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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2024


  • I know why it’s being banned or has been banned or whatever.

    Maybe you don’t. It is the only non zionist media platform in the US. The zionist offers to buy it are happy to not include the algorithm behind its success. Just to let them censor it. The ban did move forward during the Oct 7th and election cycle psyops, and Tiktok did not prevent voter suppression that gives Israel 4 years to implement its final solution.

    It doesn’t specifically have any strong/empire reason to be banned now. FB/Google/Musk donations to Trump are new reasons, that can enhance their properties.

    If you actually knew all of this already, then you might not ask why it matters. Do you “know differently”?

  • There are 3 key necessities for UBI/freedom dividends:

    1. It redistributes power not wealth. Bad greed is oligarchy capturing your rulers. UBI weakens politicians discretion, because just paying everyone more cash instead of their corrupt ideas is “idiocracy proof”. Power redistributed to workers where everyone who wants a job gets 5 recruiter calls per day offering a better job. We all get greater power to say no to anything. Quality of life becomes exceptional without crimes of desperation, and the divisive hate that is easily manufactured from crime.

    2. Redistribution means massive economic growth and overall prosperity even as it all trickles up to make the rich richer. “Velocity of money” is the key economic concept, but as income trickles back up to workers and owners, it means that the rich have to invest more to take all of our money.

    3. The alternative is genocide. Oligarchy having all of the money and power, and AI/robotics to do work, means robocop detroit for Americans, and war on rest of the world to take their land. It doesn’t matter that far more wealth can be generated with more people to sell stuff to. The logic of pillaging America/world for oligarchs with ever decreasing tax rates on corporations and the rich means more relative wealth and power for the oligarchy and its political minions.

    This 3rd point is similar to yours. Except its not just “This is America, if you don’t make money you’re a douchebag”, and the rich just give up on life, it’s “you need to be exterminated because you are useless to the rulership.”

    1. It would decrease temperatures because no energy emissions brings hope that natural carbon sinks can come close to reducing atmospheric CO2 levels. Hydrogen replacing heat in iron/steel and cement could be enough. But it needs to be quick.

    2. Solar panels provide shade which can cool the ground/water beneath them. At night, they release heat faster than ground, with less of it absorbed by ground relative to air and upwards to higher atmosphere.

    3. google ai does say that more efficient solar panels get less hot. 2-5C over “standard panels”, which I cannot source, but would assume its 2C per 5 %point extra efficiency.

  • When Eisenhower warned of Military Industrial complex, US was already an oligarchy, and the warning was the declaration of defeat.

    JFK assassination was deep state stuff, followed by more pandering to oligarchy with Regan. Media was always in charge of who won elections. That the veil of pretense for liberalism is removed doesn’t change the nature of US empire, and its autocracy over meaningful rulership. Trump simultaneously threatens the US empire’s covert colonization of world, while threatening to subjugate world even harder. Naked Oligarchy, and explicit anti-liberalism as treason, is a hallmark of incoming rulership through.

  • Not much change in the big US agendas: Wars to protect and expand oil use, and now tech monopoly to control colonial democracies.

    Democracy is significantly easier to create an Israel first or US first rulership in the world. It just takes a little bit of money. Media is desperate to ally with oligarchy/zionism, and an even tinier bit of money achieves that. CIA can JFK any politician that doesn’t accept their money, and NGOs to foment insurrection “for liberal democratic values” are simply NGOs to foment US sponsored war and destabilization of their lives.

    The only possible change would be a military coup of the US that disrupts “Israel first” rule, and oligarchist/corporatist warmongering meant to diminish Americans and other humans. Less democracy doesn’t mean less corruption and subjugation. Georgia successfully resisted a suicidal path earlier this year, to the dismay of “US approved democracy” demonic forces.

    People are too dumb with too little concern to inform/care about making the right democratic choices. They pick one of the heroes their media tells them to pick, and rely on empty promises made by the heroes.

  • Bitcoin is “Thanks for the $97,430.23 bro trust me bro someone will give you that much or more for that ledger entry in money, goods, or services bro I swear bro because it’s scarce bro”.

    You accept $20 because you are confident it is worth $20 tomorrow. You put it in a bank hoping the interest will cover inflationary depreciation, and hoping the bank will give it back when you ask for it. Btc does not have that 2nd risk, but you can still accept it as payment and sell it on an exchange shortly after, if you trust bank IOUs more.

    My inflationary dollars are far more in demand.

    You can’t buy beer with gold or amazon stock, though can with bitcoin, even if cash is easier. Investments are a separate market, and they all have the buyer’s hope of higher future value.

  • Proof

    bitcoin reserves are auditted as held with full confidence any instant. Gold reserves depend on confidence of last auditor last time it was done, and it would be national security to lie that the reserves are still there.

    energy-rich actor could shoot for a 51% attack without sending a single troop across a border.

    a 51% attack has a small chance to undo a spend that was done just in last hour

    It doesn’t matter where something physically is, but rather how do the parties to the transactions understand the exchange.

    IOUs are not as good as money, IOUs based on a “trust me bro its still there asset” is not as good as IOU based on bitcoin, and an IOU based on fractional reserve inflatable currency is far worse than asset based IOU.

    So with your passphrase in your head (and no new holes) you leave. Where do you go? Somewhere where there are other nerds who will take your distributed ledger units in exchange for the necessities of life

    Trying to sell gold coins to pawn shop or gold dealer gets a bad price relative to IOU trading. Global bitcoin exchanges often have the best prices, but nations you’d want to escape will tend to have problems that put a premium on bitcoin because of its escape advantages over gold. The argument that you need to convince bakers in your new country to accept bitcoin is not real. But its easier than gold, tulips, or other currency, or land deed in civil war country. Replace baker with someone on craigslist, and its still easier.

    deflationary, which makes it a lousy medium of exchange. You’re basically saying that the supply of gold (or other material mediums of exchange) can increase, as if it’s a bad thing.

    You’re arguing here that paying with Bitcoin is bad for the payer because value is certain to go up. That means it’s good for the buyer/receiver, which makes it easier if you need something physical/consumable from your “wealth”.

    This isn’t a common problem in stable nation-states

    Bank panics/failures are frequent enough that the system relies on bailouts for them. Deposit insurance is something customers pay as a hidden fee, but often taxpayer bailouts supplement the failures. Settlement “failure” happens often too. “Trust me I’m solvent bro” is a bad system that has and will regularly fail.

    If the USA goes Mad Max even put aside the computers and network access needed to maintain a blockchain (other countries exist, etc), what is the impact of the evaporation of all the USD which were use to acquire BTC on the exchange rate for said BTC in the still-existing nations?

    USD has no relevance to value of bitcoin. Mad max with internet access can trade for go juice or guns and bullets. Gold would tend to have very low value because Fort Knox is indefensible. Preparing for global mad max is different than preparing for local chaos. Communal leadership skills you can use to convince building fortifications and somehow secure food access is needed for communal survival. Wealth onto you would come from an ability to impose hierarchical tributary power system.

  • Incoming Administration promises to protect oil and gas oligarchs by limiting renewables/batteries/EVs, including potentially destroying big 3 automakers with Canadian/Mexico tariffs. Harming Tesla competitors with loses on their NA investments in batteries and EVs, that includes tariffs on JPN ROK batteries. Coercion of EU colonies is likely to force their dependence on extortionist US oil and LNG imports if they want to keep US in NATO, for the privilege of buying extortionist US weapons. NATO CIA stooge leader is telling EU that they need to give up pensions, social security, and healthcare, and institute drafts, to get to 3% of GDP military spending targets. EU blaming immigrants from US sponsored destroyed lands, instead of their own US subjugation, is certain to be the political climate for abandoning sustainability and prosperity.

    Coercing US consumers on NG electricity expansions, with increased LNG exports, together with datacenter expansions, is attempt at boosting NG prices, even when $2/mmbtu is not competitive with solar for new electricity. Utility oligarchs are certain to feed better at the trough if they support NG extortion agenda instead of renewables.

    The main point is that in addition to cheaper energy, outside of US extortionist energy pricing, foreign datacenters also allow for global customers.

  • The jewelry and industrial value of gold is minimal to its reserve value. Vast majority of gold is in form of bars sitting in national vaults. Zero intention of ever using those bars for jewelry/industrial applications.

    Bitcoin’s advantages over gold include

    1. proof, security, and cheapness of reserves including greater protection from war pillage.
    2. Cheaper and secure transactions. war, piracy, shipwreck proof. Divisibility is also a transactional advantage.
    3. wealth escape options, including banking/sovereign failure and sanctions.
    4. Cryptographic applications and protocol extensions including layer 2. But other crypto networks depend on bitcoin.
    5. Better “tokenomics” than gold. Mining supply of gold increases when prices rise, and also attracts jewelry owners to trade in their jewelry for it to be melted. New reserves always possible finds.
    6. Points 2 and 3 also make for faster and more secure banking system settlements. You don’t need to rely on counter party bank not declaring bankruptcy for next 3 days.

    Bitcoin is mostly USD backed?

    No. You can buy bitcoin miners in bitcoin. Electricity costs are always charged in local currency.

    There will never be a default on US debt unless it’s by choice. US debt is in US dollars, which the US makes. There will be inflation. Goods may end up being exchanged in another national or international currency someday. It won’t be Bitcoin.

    QE worked last time because China helped QE by also buying up US bonds. A much larger QE with US at war/tariff war with whole world will put USD at a credibility crisis, if not in next recession then the one after that. Fractional banking is the real ponzi scheme, and a banking crisis, a property collapse that causes bank collapse. Colonial currencies are not an option to escape USD devaluation, unless they free themselves from servitude. Chinese policy has so far not embraced strong currency value. Bitcoin will always be protection from financial collapse/decline.

  • temporarily increase the price so tech-bros (re: Elon) can sell at a massive profit.

    Actually it is similar to gold reserves (bitcoin is better) without advantaging competitor nations that have gone in on gold reserves already. There is an energy/mining motivation aspect as well as a populist widespread participation.

    In terms of “real purpose”, US debt can grow much more unsustainably, and there is something to fall back on when a default occurs. The tech bros that helped Trump do want to use other crypto projects for fintech and other innovation, rather than pump it and dump it.

  • A bigger deal is that they are open source.

    China does have a “delete America” program, and I saw an announcement, not repeated in west, that they banned Intel, AMD, Nvidia for certain Chinese customers about 2 weeks ago. Nvidia still has a big interconnect, CUDA, and driver stability advantage in GPUs, but China is catching up on price/performance, and national security makes this an area of high investment. A Chinese Nvidia solution is to just host AI training in Thailand. Hosted costs for AI in China are 1/7th the cost of cheapest US option (Llama).

    Extreme US climate terrorist energy corruption is going to limit US datacenter and affordable electricity for all. Mexico has an opportunity for electricity exports and datacenter hosting with access to Chinese energy.