Have you ever visited the Chinatown section in a major city?
Maybe it’s because I didn’t read the books but Inaro was underwhelming in general. Like I was supposed to care about how big of a threat he is but his character was so cartoonish.
It tries to do both and does neither well.
Unfortunately, it took you 17 days of straight playing to realize what many already knew before it came out.
Haven’t watched the show yet but that’s some Harry Potter looking shit.
Nah, it’s just shit writers who can’t do anything besides low-hanging fruit that has been done before time and again. You could make a very compelling story with the Borg ad a constant threat and they have to convince other factions to help. That’s just one example and Star Trek show writers already did it.
Uh what? Historian? The history of…where no man has gone before? Why would a biologist/chemist be on the bridge? They would be in a lab where they could actually employ their skills. Not saying Counselor is the best, but it’s pretty obvious it’s because of her abilities, not her title.
I’m all for some bullwork but it’s bulwark.
Have you ever visited the Chinatown section in a major city?
That’s why I said look at New Vegas vs Fallout 3. Because it wasn’t made by them and it is in another league. It shows.
I bought FO76 at launch and played it for 70-80 hours before dropping it for good. Never could get back into it but I digress. I have 0 interest for Starfield.
This is all to say, the reviews seem pretty validating and it tracks with my personal experience.
I also wouldn’t hold out any hope for great DLC. We’re decades away from Point Lookout at this point. You might get a Far Harbor, but I think it’s probably gonna be Vault 88.
“The skill tree is really interesting. It’s not just 10% more this and 5 more that but a lot of actual fun new perks.”
I guess my first question is…why lie? Scroll through the page. Literally every single perk is some type of X% better at Y. The only ones that are not give some type of small ability that also just manipulates existing stats (like lifesteal just giving 10% health per kill) OR allows you to craft things.
Every single one does that. Like I tried to see it from your POV first.
I won’t presume to know what you’re thinking but why not just call it bad? You already explained your positioning, seems mostly negative. I see a lot of people holding this opinion like they are afraid to call it bad so as not to be labeled a “hater”. I say fuck any idiots who think that, call a spade a spade. Games can be bad while still being playable and having some merits.
The fact that loose shit on a table still explodes when anything touches it just blows my mind. Nearly 20 years and they can’t figure out how to stop every single object being under enough tension to send it to the moon. I remember when Skyrim came out and actually thought stuff like that would be ironed out for the next game.
They never had it. Look at the writing of Fallout 3 vs New Vegas. The main character had so much more to say in the latter, and with better lines. Fallout 3’s best line is “Fuck you”. It just got carried by performances like Three Dog.
A lot of the early marketing for this game was how not buggy it was. Putting aside the ridiculous marketing strategy of telling people how it’s not as shitty as expected, I have never in any Bethesda game had to restart because of a bug. And there have been a lot of bugs.
Seems to be their identity nowadays. Fallout 4 had what middling amount they had left but since then they just like making sandboxes, not worlds. Hopefully Elder Scrolls picks it back up.
Sorry, that’s 2006 tech. It was too long ago, they just kinda…forgot.