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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • Densely packed open world without much empty space, dialogue trees that will frustrate people with ADHD (seriously, random non-quest npcs have 10 minutes of voiced lines sometimes), fluid mix and match skill trees with easy access respec in the menu, no micromanagement mechanics like ammunition or town NPC line of sight causing every guard in a town to turn hostile, better optimization to run on less powerful machines than recent comparable titles, ability to upgrade gear you like throughout the entire game, magic system held on to some of the CRPG elements (you need to find grimoires with a spell to learn it, but putting points into a spell lets you cast them without the grimoire and upgrades them an extra rank if you still use the book anyway). Does an excellent job of bringing new players into the setting if they didn’t play Pillars or Pillars 2.

    My current complaints are that the melee combat tree is a bit less exciting than the others, and a few visual issues have presented themselves like enemies with multiple elemental effects applied to them having some visual flickering and distant shallow water looks wrong. There’s some player character options that are missing from Pillars of Eternity, but if you haven’t played them you’d never know.

    I think it’s a pretty strong GotY contender to kick off the year, personally. I made this post because people are mentioning user reviews, but steam user reviews have been pretty worthless lately. Way too many people expecting games to behave like another game or genre entirely and basing their entire review on that, or complaining about things that have no relation to gameplay (on that note, the game has XBL login but it is not required).

  • Because the way they write numbers is generally misunderstood in the west. Wan, the ten thousand character, and Yi, the hundred million character, are typically the crux of translating big numbers like this.

    万 (wàn) comes up the most often and is the largest stumbling block for most people learning Mandarin numbers. In English, numbers are usually broken up into chunks of three digits. Because of 万 (wàn), it’s easier to break numbers up into groups of four in Mandarin. In English, we split “twelve thousand” numerically into “12,000” (chunks of three digits). Split it the Chinese way, “1,2000,” and the Chinese reading “一万两千” (one wan and two “thousand” = yīwàn liǎngqiān) makes more sense.

    Not saying the figure isn’t exaggerated, but holy shit it’s obvious why it’s translated this way in articles if you look even slightly beyond the surface.

  • Hi, linguist by degree, app admin by trade

    Code-switching as defined by wikipedia is cool but I learned it with examples like loaned words becoming permanent between languages being one of the major reasons for “code-switching”. Worth noting you rarely see this behavior online comparatively, mostly because of prescriptivist assholes like you that insist they know the entire definition of a word. You’re a lot more likely to hear code-switching than see it. The provided example (someone asking for the salt in another language) counts.

    Here’s a link since you can’t possibly comprehend being so unbearably wrong on the internet without a link. https://www.britannica.com/topic/code-switching

  • You are not thinking of the hippocratic oath (there is no mention whatsoever of gossip about patients). The do no harm clause specifies bodily harm/abuse in a physical context. You have supplied a TV or Movie memory concerning diagnosis, or maybe you think HIPAA is somehow related to the oath. Many modern doctors don’t take the traditional hippocratic oath. If you’d ever read the text, you would know why.

    You’ve clearly rattled all this off without taking a single second to look at context. The goldwater rule isn’t an actual law, and it does not in fact have an explicit analogue in the current APA ethics guidelines (though you can argue the same instruction is conveyed throughout a couple of the standards). You have made up rules that doctors live by in your brain. American psychologists do not “have to follow the goldwater rule”. Every time I see you post it’s some “I googled it!” regurgitation with absolutely no understanding of the topic, or insane ramblings about how we should be nice to AI. Your five minutes of searching is not going to help you think critically about anything. This is facebook user behavior.

  • You didn’t read the article well and you didn’t look up any info on patents whatsoever before jumping to “Why are you lying…?”. You have a TON of unknown unknowns about the topic and it’s actually impossible to explain it all while I’m on the toilet (which is where you’re receiving this information from), but here’s another few relevant tidbits:

    The US patent office will help sustain foreign patents with a few requirements based on a few treaties, one of which is that the foreign patent was filed less than a year prior. Because the USPTO ostensibly exists to protect art made by artists, you can file an application for a patent within a year of filing a similar application in a different country. These were not recent enough. Another route is to apply for many countries at once through the patent cooperation treaty, which nintendo also did not do.

    The person I was responding to was acting like the Japanese dates were a “gotcha” to the article. The article correctly states the US patent dates and links them, the related JP patents happen to be on the same page (but you have to click off of it to go there), and they have different application dates listed than the ones detailed in the article. It’s literally not the patents being talked about in the article. In fact, the article goes into detail about the timing and how it’s being used in the case: nintendo is seeking injunction money based on the time their patent was active in the US up to the time the suit was filed. You and the other poster are having a critical lack of information error, and a lot of that info is in the article. You confused yourself reading a site you don’t understand outside the article.

    The patent system sucks ass and exists almost wholly to protect megacorporations at this point. Copyright, likewise, has fallen into a state of disarray as we continue to write laws that are impossible to enforce for the individual without an entire legal team to guide them. While I personally think the whole system needs a rework, we are probably a long way as a society (societies, really) from identifying the problem or making meaningful change. In the meantime, learning how (and why) corporations “punch down” like this legally is our only option. Here’s hoping this case does not go to a jury; I basically only see uninformed schlock from general discussion about patents and absolutely no initiative to learn about the patent system. It is almost never used to protect the creation of an individual and the public does not understand that was the original intent.

  • The court systems processed them on different dates. You’re the one being belligerent and incorrect. Condescend on someone else, learn to read the stuff you link or at least make an attempt to understand it lol

    Japan and the US have seperate requirements (first to file VS first to invent) for initially accepting a patent. Just because you can see them both on the USPTO website doesn’t mean the patents are for both the US and Japan. In Japan, you can legally oppose a product before the patent is granted - in the US, that doesn’t fly.

    If you can’t piece together what my point was with this info, you should probably stop commenting on patent cases until you do understand. You quite literally linked info showing the dates of the US patents that are after the release of palworld. Either you didn’t read the thing you linked or you have some warped perception of patents being global.

  • You don’t understand logical fallacies despite obviously being the type of guy who likes multiple videos a week about them from culture war youtubers with greek and latin usernames. You are actively engaging in doublethink (claiming something, presenting evidence about your own claim, running it back when the data YOU PROVIDED doesn’t support your claim while pretending to still have “logic” behind you), you are clearly torn up about an online argument, and your ability to read and think critically is clearly broken or undeveloped.

    You have no concept of arguing in good faith, instead parroting things you’ve read or heard in similar conversations online (likely the aforementioned philosophy rant youtubers) that anyone over the age of 20 with an actual interest in these things has already heard tens of times. You’re kind of an idiot, judging by how proudly you linked your first google results. You have no concept of the difference between an article, a journal, and a study; sort of like a child who doesn’t see the difference between a chapter book and a graphic novel. Hell, I’m not sure you can read well at all, you certainly can’t quote concisely even on social media.

    This is ad hominem.