That depends. How rich is the victim in your scenario?
That depends. How rich is the victim in your scenario?
I use a pill gun like this one then immediately follow up with a treat. He hates the pill but the sooner that’s over with the sooner he gets the treat, and we have to do it again if he manages to spit the pill out. Treat doesn’t come until the pill is swallowed.
If i understood the article correctly, real time means predicable and reliable, not necessarily fast. It’s common in medical devices, avionics, etc. So this is going to benefit embedded devices the most.
If you want to avoid a penis-related name, you could go with candle.
It’s an existing sentence if it’s not non-exisent.
My disappointment is is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
I seem to recall seeing this as a tweet originally
I must be uncultured. What’s that from?
I feel like there’s some social commentary here somewhere but it might just be a bit too subtle.
They’re in there fucking. The sign means they’re fucking.
4070 3277 9588 2467 Exp 02/2030
I hope your day gets better
Bloomberg headline
Is this out yet?
Not with that attitude
I’d just as soon put his chonky ass IN a handbag. For a photo op of course.
Naw, they’d enjoy it.