Erinnert mich an den, Verband nationaldeutscher Juden die Hitler unterstützten. Es gibt immer eine Minderheit die stark gegen ihre interesse wahlen.
Erinnert mich an den, Verband nationaldeutscher Juden die Hitler unterstützten. Es gibt immer eine Minderheit die stark gegen ihre interesse wahlen.
Exercise won’t change much.
What you need to do is eat less calories than you burn — so eat a little less, and you will lose weight.
Changes in your body change your dreams — illnesses can induce nightmares, or stop you from dreaming all together — we don’t understand how dreaming works mostly, but we do understand that basically any physical change can induce changes in dreaming.
There’s proof it’s been done pretty much upto the limit of declassified FBI/CIA documents.
I see no reason to believe the government would have stopped — and if they did — I see many reasons Trump is likely to start it up again.
Stay Vigilant — but remember most of us are fine — they won’t waste risky and time consuming tactics like that on minor targets.
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