Well maybe it’s multiple choice.
- “Dong, beard broad shoulders”
- “Tits, hips, smaller waist”
- “Character deleted on death”
Choose any combination you want
Well maybe it’s multiple choice.
Choose any combination you want
Lizard predates rock
Sorry what? Rocks were formed by the cooling of planetary bodies during their creation (such as the earth). Pretty sure there were no lizards around at that point in the early solar system.
Dnd5e leaves to many things up to the gm, like magic items and encounter balancing. CR is notoriously inaccurate and running level appropriate fights can easily end up as unwinnable deadly or just a trivial steamroll. Especially once higher lvl magic comes into play with save or suck spells (cough polymorph cough). Yes legendary resistance can fix that, but that is not the system being stable, it is the system giving you tools to fix its unstableness. And even then, the fight ends after X presses of the “I win” button instead of one.
While there are a lot worse systems than dnd5e, when comparing it to pf2e it is objectively the system with more holes. No doubt, partly because pf2e could learn from dnds mistakes and is not produced by a company trying to milk its customers for every cent.
have done something that broke everything
When talking about dnd5e -> pf2e, I STRONGLY disagree. Pf2e is a much, much more stable and balanced system than DND and waaaay harder to break.
With pf1e I agree. That system has so many busted builds.
On the other hand the analogy is very good, as DND/windows is only considered to be “stable” and “intuitive” because it is the “Default” and usually the first thing people get in contact with. From an objective, unbiased perspective they can be very unintuitive.
… And yes I play pf2e and use Linux how could you tell.
Schlechtere Angebote sind natürlich ein Weg ein Verhalten zu unterdrücken um damit ein Problem “zu lösen”. Aber dann fahren die Leute halt mit dem Auto oder versauern in der Stadt. Also ist das problem nur verschoben. Stattdessen besserer service wäre viel zielführender. Fahrradmitnahme fördern, Kapazität erhöhen (z.b. ein Fahrrad Wagon zu Stoßzeiten, etc). Reservierung für Fahrräder erzwingen kann sinnvoll sein, aber nur solange die allgemeine Kapazität ausreicht (und durch die Reservierungen etwas die Spitzenlast verteilt wird).
Yes it is unethical and immoral to fool service personal and lead them to believe they receive a tip when they don’t. Everybody hates to receive those fake church bills.
Thats a child…
Also is that gold paint added on top of a black and white photograph (I think there is some red paint on his cheeks as well? Pretty cool, never seen something like that.
That is a real problem. In a perfect world you would want all of your data to be available to everyone who can use it to improve your live. And only getting advertisement for things you actually want/need (not only think you want/need) is a real improvement of your live.
Sadly “improving lives of consumers” is not the goal of any of the big data collectors and as such any data collected is or will be missused to cause harm to the owner even if it is not directly obvious.
A drive label is just a string that can be set by any privileged process. Seems like this installation of the new distro didn’t do that. Or you skipped a step in the install where you could have chosen the drive label.
If it is a bug in the installer or if you missed it, I can’t tell.
But you can just change it in gparted or something else.