Man, that video brings back nostalgia.
Man, that video brings back nostalgia.
So… antidepressants++?
I’m already on the worse version of this. Gimmie gimmie. I’d like to lie to myself that I am ok for a while.
Spookmas is here and all the bugs are going back to hell where they belong whats not to love?
Their management control plane absolutely is a single point of failure.
Single point of failure for the whole internet.
It very much makes me feel like EagleCAD from before The Bastards killed it. I wish the libraries were bigger.
Unobtainable and will be mostly sold to run advertising displays and business epos systems. Miss me with that shit.
On fire is a good start
On fire and soaked in piss is better
It looks like a rental.
From what I’ve heard, US tests are super easy.
28.3168 liters of piss, addressed to Margret Thatcher.
May I interest you in big bean
nobody cares, and you aren’t punk. You’re a fucking bunch of milquetoast dweebs on the internet.
And your memes are shit.
Not a meme.
In the Netherlands, its gotta be Urk.
I like others have been to the peak of Urk and not been stabbed.
HRT coriander
ew soap
You need a better meme plug. I’d share my sources, but I don’t want them to get too popular, yaknow?
Alas, yes it does, but idk, stop looking at shit memes.
The pixel bar looks like a cancer lump. If its gonna be that thick, make the rest of it battery