Ok, that helps. Still I think to look at what happens just before might help.
Ok, that helps. Still I think to look at what happens just before might help.
Are there awkward pauses during your dinners? Do you think about things to talk about beforehand?
I guess maybe try to observe what happens just before you get sick each time.
That’s good the 55 is quite a beast. It looks much sleeker too. Looking forward to hearing what works for you.
Not sure how the Veritas planes go but as for older Stanley, weight is definitely a downfall of the combo planes. Being able to switch directions can be valuable for tearout on some woods. I don’t think I’ve gotten much use from the specialty cutters outside of curiosity though.
Making Naps Great Again?
If you have one of the other screws, and you’re dead sure it’s the same size, you can use a tiny drill bit that is the size of the screw’s shaft minus the threads. Careful drill through the center. The Phillips divit should center your bit.
You might only use this after trying the others here.
Yeah not a cat. Their claws are too sharp for these marks.
I think they mean that he pushed it blatantly enough that it’s plain to see it’s bs to all but the most obstinate.
The deductible is probably more than the SD is worth.
Is there a particular country that exemplifies communism to you?
Seems pretty spot on. What’s your view on Putin?
Well none of the people here are from corporate -owned sites since we’re all on Lemmy. Your world view aligns perfectly with authoritarian-right. That’s why you get so much pushback.
…with Tracy Morgan?!
Everything is a meme. It’s just an idea that spreads. You spread it, tf it’s a meme. I can’t discern what your point of view was from that previous post since it was removed. This one is equally ambiguous.
Don’t know what to make of that. Rubik’s cube? It’s a stupid logo
Does anyone have any experience with some return of working memory with treatment?
Guardians of the galaxy 3. Would not be surprised to learn ChatGPT wrote the dialogue.
I think everyone is looking at Steamdecks success and wanting a piece of that pie.
Has anyone found any relief from this from medication or therapy?