• 3 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2024


  • That’s a good build for her, a very nice setup.

    Now you know that SLI doesn’t mean anything anymore. It’s always better to buy a single higher GPU than 2 lower ones. And given how high the prices go, there’s no limit on how much a person can soend on one.

    I will recommend that if you buy a 5060 or 5070 in 6 months, your wife will immediately see a big boost in performance in anything and everything she does on computer.

    So you know, for gaming, the 4060 beats the 1080 Ti. The 4060 does AV1 video encoding, I don’t think even the 3090 has that. Definitely not the 2080 Ti. So ifyou buy a 5060 or 5070 to put in her system, everything will run flawless. I don’t know if that 1080 is actually restricting ir limiting her CPU performance. That’s another reason to upgrade an 8 year old GPU, it will allow the CPU run constantly run at full speed.

  • I would still call this a personal success because how much you learned from this about cable management. I trust that from now on you will never take whatever random cables and p’ug them into whichever connection that looks. I hope also understand that it’s not always possible to diagnose a system issue without personally looking at it and trying to use it to see what is going on. For me, I would never think of asking the person if their video crd is daisychained but because is something normally never done. Each GPU gets their own cables plugged directly to the power supply