What’s the benefit over pip in a venv?
What’s the benefit over pip in a venv?
I found that moderate compression (like zstd-2 or -3) not only increases your effective storage capacity, but increases R/W speeds for HDDs.
It just… lacks features? I couldn’t use ZFS or Btrfs, FDE requires third-party software (veracrypt) and lots of other things that I see as standard system utilities (think ssh, git etc.) are not available on a fresh install. And then you’re supposed to download and install .exe files from the internet? Since microsoft controls what goes in the windows store, that could provide the same experience as your distro’s repositories. But again, most things you want aren’t there, and you can’t even trust the things that are there. For some reason, a billion dollar company cannot curate a software repository of the same quality as the ones maintained by unpaid volunteers in the Linux world.
So yeah, I think it’s just not there yet. Maybe in a few years windows will be a viable alternative for desktop systems.
Then just turn those specific settings off?
Das nenne ich mal Technologieoffenheit
Gute Tirade, allerdings keine Erwähnung der DB. 6/10
I’m curious as to why Firefox is checking for updates, have you configured it to do so? I’ve never seen Firefox do that (and it feels weird to have a program sidestep the update mechanism of the package manager)
Oft hat man zu dem Zeitpunkt doch schon ein paar Monate daran gearbeitet, nur noch nichts aufgeschrieben
I just use gzip because it’s built-in
Motorradhandschuhe haben schon so eine natürliche Krümmung, funktioniert auch fürs Fahrrad sehr gut
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