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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Als Arbeiter hast Du i. d. R. da nicht so einfach die Wahl. Und in einem Konzern kannst du vergessen, dass Du innerhalb “aufstreben” kannst und Dir Top Positionen innerhalb sicherst.

    Das “hätte man Manager unabhängig vom Erfog besser bezahlt, dann wäre der Konzern besser gelaufen” habe ich nicht gesagt oder impliziert.

    Was ich sagen will: Wenn ein ohnehin schon schwerfälliger Konzern durch so eine Krise läuft, dann führt das intern nicht zu einer Erneuerung sondern im Gegenteil zu einer. massiven Schwächung.

    Die Tatsache ist, dass die Probleme bei ner großen Firma aber stark an der Denke der Mitarbeiter, die Entscheidungen treffen, liegen (auf allen Ebenen) - und so eine Krise lässt eher die Betonköpfe zurück.

  • Any idiot in a car can kill me at any time, because he’s getting road rage. I’m living in Europe, grew up in the 80s where nuclear war was a very real danger that could break out any moment, vaporizing all the cities. Even though we were allies of the US, highways were prepared to be outfitted with nuclear mines so the Russians couldn’t roll all over Western Europe. We have a war right now next to our countries which could turn into WW3 at any time. A close friend of mine is Bosnian, she has seen the fighting in the Balkans few years agom

    People kill each other all the time, because they consider each other bad persons. I just refuse to live in fear.

    And the longer I live, the more I believe in violence as a legitimate defense. If someone shot Putin tomorrow, I would be happy. If someone had shot Hitler in the 30s the would would probably have been a better place.

    So where is the line that divides killing someone is a good thing vs a bad thing? I used to believe it is always evil, but I can’t anymore.

  • Of the erogenous zones, breasts are the ones you can see most often. It may be different in the US, but where I grew up, topless sunbathing is quite a thing and I even saw a lot of boobs in shower soap commercials at 6pm on public TV as a kid. When my kids were babies, my (now ex-) wife would also just nurse them on a park bench - which also I isn’t unusual.

  • a) Bei statisch typisierten Sprachen geht der Trend auch stark dort hin, dass der Complier für Dich die Typen ermittelt - zur Compile-Zeit. Auch haben viele davon auch die Möglichkeit punktuell dynamisch zu arbeiten, an genau den Stellen, wo man es braucht.

    b) Oh wow, du möchtest nicht “Speicherplatz fressen”. Dann nimm eine Sprache / Werkzeug / Library, die nicht pro gespeichertem Wert einzeln tracken muss, von welchem Typ sie ist. Hier zahlst Du in dynamischen Sprachen immer einen Performance-Overhead. Deswegen wird z. B. in Python viel Number crunching auch nicht in Python selbst gemacht, sondern in NumPy

  • I had this happen a lot, then I was zapping around the TV aimlessly for hours.

    It turned out I was out of energy. Mental battery empty.

    One of the biggest changes was - I trained myself to have rest days where I do “nothing” every week (that is “nothing which taxes me. mentally”, so also no meeting with friends or so). As long as I have enough energy left, I can compensate for a lot of stuff - so I make sure I have enough energy. (Playing on the console is fine, watching TV is fine, cooking is relaxing me, even doing a limited number of chores)

    Those undestimulated days are rare now, compared to 4 years ago.