I find it pretty improbable that you’ve never seen a video of Hitler.
I find it pretty improbable that you’ve never seen a video of Hitler.
Anyone that has an opinion on someone they’ve never listened to has an opinion that should equally not be listened to.
I mean, typically I’d agree with you, but there’s a small chance that this is smarter than a lot of people are initially thinking (but still fucked up none the less) … maybe someone at NYPD found a video / picture of a dude that they know was not the dude. Maybe they have evidence that the guy in this picture in the green jacket is 100% innocent. Maybe they arrest him, his lawyer gets him out and they all of a sudden have no leads at all. Cold case.
Claim denials went up something like 17% under his 3 year tenure. He absolutely personally had blood on his hands.
The murderer was shot and killed. That’s what this whole thing is about.
If murderers got prosecuted equally this CEO should have had a day in court years ago.
No, but I hope someone makes him a cool cape or something of the sorts.
MSI motherboards. I’ve seen one fail out of 1000+.
Indeed, I don’t dry those sections.
B, A, C2, C3, C4, C1, D.
It’s biased.
Gender is not a relevant consideration for the Democratic Party.
I think it’s a weird to assume the wiki-link that you posted is in support of the “Christ Myth Theory” (as they call it).
Read the contents of the wiki link you sent and check all of the citations, you’ll see that the Christian Scholars that contributed to writing the article aim to dismiss the theory by citing their own books.
I’m not debating with you the question that was asked as to start this thread. It’s visible to literally anyone that looks it.
If you wanted to answer a question that was not asked by the OP, that’s on you.
Eminem claimed to be a Rap God though. Praise be onto him.
You suck ass at reading. The title of this post is asking about “Jesus Christ,” which we all know to mean the son of God and the guy that resurrected after 3 days.
Jesus Christ is very specific. Jesus Christ, the son of God, who was crucified and rose again on the third day… that is fake.
Glorifying violence is A-Ok when the government awards people the Medal of Honor.
Reddit needs to come up with a more accurate excuse for their censorship.