“They only “earn” that monopoly because ostensibly they have been authorized democratically by the people.”
Well, that might be the social framework fir a democracy. But we are talking about Hungary here.
“They only “earn” that monopoly because ostensibly they have been authorized democratically by the people.”
Well, that might be the social framework fir a democracy. But we are talking about Hungary here.
The law does make sense, if you put it into practice. In practice the dry weight amounts will probably just be checked on the street. Checking your home will require a warrant which isn’t easy to come by, so they’re not gonna bother about cases where it might be three or four plants or this or that many grams.
Well, who’s gonna pay for your medical care when you inevitably develop drug problems/health issues. So in a socialized healthcare system, you are harming others with it.
(And not offering treatment or making the patient pay for it which they often won’t be able to, would be very inhumane imo)
Was’n Quatsch!
Das sind dann die 18-jährigen, zukünftigen KI-Millionäre.
Wie süß. Der denkt, er würde in Zukunft noch mit irgendwem koalieren, statt unter der 5%-Hürde zu versauern.
Nobody is surprised. The FDP knows exactly what they’re doing, which is make as much politics blatantly in favour of their donors as long as they’re in power. They don’t care about what that does to the general populace or even how they’re perceived for it. One or two elections later everyone will have basically forgotten about it again anyway and the whole shtick repeats.
Für die Zwischenzeit kannst du dir, neben dicken Decken, auch überlegen, dir eine Elektroheizung zu besorgen. Die verbraucht aber natürlich auch viel Strom, was ziemlich teuer werden kann.
There have been numerous reports about EU officials/MPs considering stripping Hungary of its voting rights preceding this. So most likely Orban as just beenade aware that there’s a limit to which degree he can block stuff while still being allowed to play ball.
Well, other EU countries already sell insect-based food countries.and I’m not sure to what degree they can completely ignore the EU regulations.
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Here are some that I enjoyed:
Mongolia: Rise and fall of an empire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRipDEuuiyg
Betrayal and brainwashing: North Korea and the defector influencers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjeBPn03n_o
Unbridled greed and growth - Challenging global corporations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wip-HzeXBU
Sind sie das denn? Ist zB jemand, der in einem Nazi-Unfeld aufgewachsen ist und kaum ein anderes Weltbild vermittelt hat, genauso für seine Ansichten verantwortlich, wie jemand, der in einer offeneren Gesellschaft aufgewachsen und trotzdem diese Einstellungen entwickelt hat? Ist es Zufall, dass solche Ansichten in bestimmten gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Verhältnissen eher gedeihen als in anderen?
Natürlich steckt da auch immer ein sehr großer Teil Eigenverantwortung mit drin, aber ich denke tatsächlich, dass man das auf beiden Seiten nicht verabsolutisieren und auch anerkennen sollte, dass das Problem z.T. auch eine strukturelle Komponente hat, die struktureller Lösungen bedarf.
Wäre ja auch irgendwie komisch wenn, Abwanderung mit eingerechnet, es sich nur ganz zufällig sich so begeben hätte, dass in bestimmten Gebieten sich große Anteile alle ganz unabhäbgig von einander und in kompletter Eigenverantwortung für eine Sichtweise entschieden hätten, in anderen aber nicht.
“2.0” impliziert ja auch meist ein Update oder eine Modernisierung. Diese Partei ist aber wohl eher Sammelbecken für Reaktionäre und Hängengebliebene, die sich halt grob im Linken Spektrum einordnen.
Some day, sure. But we need reliable and clean energy now, not in the distant future.
Exactly! That is why renewable energy (+storage) is the only solution a they are both significantly quicker to build up and significantly cheaper than nuclear already and getting ever more competitive, while the running costs for nuclear have been at the same relatively high level for ages.
If we are the only ones imposing climate regulation, businesses and industries will move abroad where it’s cheaper to operate
What are you even talking about exactly. EU regulations for what cars are allowed will be exactly the same whether the cars are manufactured in the EU or elsewhere. And carmakers already have different factories in different regions of the world to serve each market.
Honestly, without some strict rules for European and US car manufacturers to get their shit together, they’re only going to fall ever further behind China, which has the biggest EV manufacturer already. Fossil fuel burning combustion engines don’t have any future anyway, because fossil fuels are finite, the climate crisis is accelerating ever further and EV are getting more and more competitive (they’re already cheaper in the long run for mid and higher class cars). Carmakers aren’t being done any favours by allowing them to drag their feet and become ever more obsolete.
Yes, they aren’t dumb enough to attend it in person precisely to avoid it falling back on them in a court of law. That’s my whole point. Everybody with half a brain can still see what’s going on of course.
Thanks! Will take a look.
In combination with these and many more statements made by high ranking AfD members there is no plausible deniability left.
Well, that certainly is a much better and more comprehensive point. It’s also just a claim of course and personally I don’t have a good enough overview of all the statements made, their relations etc to meaningfully judge that.
You’re free to expand on that point in more detail of course. Other than that, I can’t meaningfull contribute much here at this point.
They deny all sorts of things: