The ape is merely a representational avatar! The true value of the rune lies in possessing it, for it identifies you as a member of an elite cadre of ape rune possessors.
The ape is merely a representational avatar! The true value of the rune lies in possessing it, for it identifies you as a member of an elite cadre of ape rune possessors.
Read as Greek names it works
China has successfully prototyped a 1000 km/h train, which is faster than commercial aircraft, and is researching the viability of trains moving up to 4000 km/h.
The USA has failed to develop infrastructure because it’s been hollowed out by decades of finance capitalism. The neoliberal government is now not only unwilling but unable to do anything but hand money to billionaires.
Room temperature superconductors would represent the greatest leap forward since electricity itself. Ultra-cheap, ultra-high resolution MRIs, lossless power transmission across vast distances, massive gains in computing power, much lower cost supercolliders for advanced physics, low-cost magnetic confinement for fusion power experiments, and so on.
If someone lives like a king, but directly because their wealth is earned by the suffering and death of thousands, is it not morally just to stop them? At what point is the life of one billionaire worth more than the life of the, say, five hundred children that starved to death because of that billionaire? Is the system of economics that results in that not utterly reprehensible?
We want capitalism to stop killing people. It cannot stop killing people. So we must dismantle capitalism. But the bourgeoisie will defend, violently, the perpetuation of capitalism. Thus, they are taking on a direct moral responsibility for the deaths capitalism causes.
Revolution is only violent because capitalists wield violence to brutally suppress even peaceful protests, and we must respond in kind to defend ourselves. The violence of self-defense is not the same as the violence of oppressors. If the capitalists saw peaceful protests and willingly put their fortunes aside and returned their means of production to common ownership, there would be no need for revolution. But in all history of this struggle they’ve chosen instead to maim and murder protestors.
As a snapshot, Food Not Bombs are an anarchist group who do nothing but give food to the unhoused. Police will arrest every FNB member to stop them, when what they’re doing is literally just feeding the poor. But if FNB members carry firearms, police leave them alone, and the unhoused receive food.
Anyone working with dates and times was cursed in a past life. Timezones are a pain to work with. Daylight savings sucks. Some countries change daylight savings at different times. Some countries change timezones sometimes. Go further back and some countries had their own leap days. Different calendars don’t form neat cycles and must be manually synchronized every few years. Did you know Easter, for about 300 years, needed to be announced by the Pope each year because it was a lunar holiday based on a Jewish calendar but the Christians followed a different one? Also, every now and again we throw a leap second into the computers because the Earth’s rotation is gradually slowing down and 365/366 days isn’t quite precise enough anyways.
There’s no real point to nfts as licenses though. The only party that can authenticate a license, the creator, wouldn’t want to give up their control over licenses, and the wouldn’t want to resell used licenses because… Why? That’s a ton of work to implement when they can just sell a new license.
It won’t stop an infection from going bad but it can mildly reduce risk of infection iirc
Some people genetically just don’t smell bad when they sweat
Gabe was talking about the making of Half Life, back when you shipped your disc and that was that. And the game was, apparently, crapola.
Same kind of deal with the original Deus Ex. It was a spaghetti of poorly interacting systems until the devs were able to make it all click together.
It’s definitely not simple to use but I agree that the conceptual model it represents is straightforward. I think a lot of the problems people have with git come from not understanding the underlying data structure before learning how to manipulate it.
D&D: individual poundage
Pathfinder 2: Abstracted Bulk
Lancer: Pick up half your mech or more if you get the right loadout
Someone else has a server and their infrastructure is set up so you can upload a zip of some executable and they’ll figure out how to make it run. You don’t worry about any details except your code and whatever API is require to be compatible, and they worry about hosting it, making sure it has memory, CPU time, disk space, DB, etc.
Right tool for the right job. C is a stupid choice for most modern apps but it’s indispensable for embedded stuff
What a grand and intoxicating innocence to presume Marx did not consider these things
I’m sure it was revolutionary back in the day for warlords to learn that keeping your supply lines defended was important and also you shouldn’t fight a battle against an uphill defender with the sun at their back on muddy ground.
It’ll be fine. There’s always some cohort of people who take an actual interest in the magic boxes enough to want to learn compsci.
This was the peak. Every meme since this fella has been “thing good, thing bad”.
The US isn’t even able to produce enough bombs for their proxy wars, never mind actually fighting peer powers