Google authenticator is garbage. Authy is much better.
Google authenticator is garbage. Authy is much better.
Ah, they probably got rid of that when they stopped making airports with HDs in them for network backups. I don’t think it ever was designed to work with 3rd party backup devices.
Not sure I never tried a local wifi backup. USB is generally faster and more reliable.
I still use iTunes to back up locally on my PC. On the Mac it looks like that functionality is embedded in finder now.
The best explanation I’ve heard is they have someone who intentionally makes a subtle yet inconsequential change for internet people to whine about.
The power button thing doesn’t matter. It’s not a PC, you never turn it off.
I love mine. Exactly the solution I was looking for. I was going to get a Mac Studio but it was too expensive and this meets all of my needs for a work desktop.
Mac Studio resale prices around here are just tanking right now.
The second one is the relevant one. You have to allow the computer to sleep when the display is off or it will still stay awake and drawing power when the display is off.
It’s meant for laptops you want to run in a closed position with an external display when plugged in.
A friend had this and it was because he had his display set to sleep never. So it was essentially on all the time.
Make sure that prevent computer from sleeping when display is off is also disabled.
Go by the cable seating fully or not.
If the cable doesn’t seat fully then there’s something in there you’re missing. If it’s seating fully it may actually be damaged. Take it Apple to service.
It’s possible to short, but the port pin outs show 2 or 3 pins between voltage lines and grounds.
It’s a pretty small port and a toothpick doesn’t fit well around the post in the centre if you want to get to the very bottom. I borrowed a very fine sewing needle from stepmom for port cleaning duties.
I did turn it off first though.
Mine wouldn’t seat fully and would pop out. Debris in connector. Cleaned out with a needle and it was fine again. Go by the USB C connector seating fully. If it doesn’t, there’s something in there impeding it.
I like Apple products because I have to deal with PC crap at work a lot of the time and I want my phone to work without ever having to spend any time at all on it.
Just wait until you want to install a kernel extension.
Still, it keeps people like my parents from getting malware easily so it’s not all bad and I can bypass it for my needs.
If only they’d remove registry access as well so devs could only keep their settings in the local install folder. They shouldn’t have write access outside their installed folder anyway without specific permissions.
There’s no need to clutter up a system registry with individual app settings.
Ditch the USB and look into Unraid.
Plug those drives (any size) together into a cheap used PC and use Unraid to join them up into a monolithic array that can also use recover from drives failing with zero data loss and effortlessly scale larger by adding new drives of any size, mixing and matching as you like.
It’s the single best computing investment I’ve made in the last two decades and can scale as big or small as you like.
Yes theres a free demo version.
“[Parts pairing] is completely unnecessary, has no benefit, and serves only to prevent users from easily swapping parts,” Collin told me.
Collin is wrong. Parts pairing totally kills the illegal parts market and I absolutely love that. Make stolen stuff utterly useless for criminals to eliminate the demand.
I love the new one where parts can be transplanted if the phone is not activation locked though.
I own Apple stock and an M4 Mini. Happy to see upgrade options.
There are tons of listing for cheap Mac’s on marketplace now. Even Mac studios. The mini M4 is a very good deal. Super happy with mine.
Older intel macs could do an internet recovery on a bare drive. The internet recovery system was part of the ROMs/BIOS.
Sorry about your experience but one bad expert doesn’t mean they’re all bad. Mine has always been awesome.