Easy headline to lol at, but this poor guy is fucked. He was doing it to earn a living, now he faces 5 years in jail and/or a $32k fine.
Don’t talk to me unless you’re an alien, a time traveler, an esper or if your avatar is also Haruhi Suzumiya
Easy headline to lol at, but this poor guy is fucked. He was doing it to earn a living, now he faces 5 years in jail and/or a $32k fine.
That’s better, working on browser now. At first I was ready to report you since I thought it was just spam.
The question you should be asking instead is why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
Yeah make sure it’s not just any standard garden variety cult. It has to be a DEATH cult. Preferably one where there is a cool uniform, like dark hooded robes.
Ok, when I first read the question I thought that’s what you meant, but since it sounds borderline schizophrenic, I just wanted to be certain of its meaning.
You have a mental problem where you cannot differentiate between fiction and reality.
These are not the words of a sane person:
All I did was switch from Reddit to Lemmy I tried to criticize Zombie Land Saga after posting about it until I started reading about it from a ministry. You know…because it involves necromancy?
Zombies are fine, but why do you have to tamper with actual lives just for sake of entertainment?
Zombie Lan Saga was an anime that subverted zombies in favor of Japanese pop idols that are supposed to be ‘zombies’ but not exactly.
I witnessed the deaths of Edd Gould and Steve Jobs before Zombie Land Saga subverted my last experience with characters being dead by zombifying the dead and conjuring them up.
I also watched Zombie Land Saga, so my concept of death has been distorted by that because of Kotaro Tatsumi and the girls.
Zombie Land Saga was the franchise that disrespected zombies in favor of ‘cute’ idol girls being conjured up by a maniacal mastermind who thinks he can ‘save’ Saga by tampering with the dead to appease his recently died classmate which I consider evil regardless if the girls learn to perform on stage as pop stars like Sakura and there are even characters investigating the case while the series focuses on just ‘cute’ idol girls.
Zombie Land Saga is what made me shy away from what it was pushing (minors, necromancy, zombification, transgenderism) as a Christian.
Personally, I think Project Zombie Land Saga should be criminally investigated even in Japan because some dead folks were tampered with and some of them were famous enough that I expect a lawsuit coming in the future but the only policeman on the show is stupid and doesn’t recognize Sakura or Ai despite them speaking plain English to him and not attacking him like an actual zombie would, not to mention the rest of the girls should be investigated anyway, but Sakura covered it all up with her performing and entertaining her audience because that’s what’s more important than breaking the law…and the people think the reanimated corpses and the boy in ponytails (Lily/Sanae) are all cute.
For someone who seems to hate ZLS, you talk about it constantly throughout your comments - there are more but I gave up reading the weird liquid diarrhea that you constantly spew out.
The whole idea of ZLS is that it’s a silly comedy about pop idols who happen to be zombies. From your words, it seems like you are simultaneously upset that zombies exist, upset that the zombies aren’t portrayed as traditionally violent flesh-eating monsters, upset that necromancy exists, upset because Christianity tells you to be upset.
The expression “go outside and touch grass” became popular because of people like you.
Can you go into more detail? What actions when? And what do you mean by justify?
Oh man actually take that last comment with a grain of salt, I am seeing conflicting reports on the Steam boards about that today, sorry about that
Steam is allowing refunds even over 2 hours for this game, just fyi
Oh man actually take that last comment with a grain of salt, I am seeing conflicting reports on the Steam boards about that today, sorry about that
I gave up on that game after dying to the helicopter boss for 30 mins straight lol
I love when I try to explain things to people and provide information, they just cherry pick through the facts to only affirm their previous biases.
This is the sentence before your quote in the Wiki article:
The hypothetical person lacking a sense of humour would likely find the behaviour to be inexplicable, strange, or even irrational.
That’s you.
Here’s a picture since you don’t seem to understand words:
Do you get it, since the joke went over your head.
I’ll explain everything in this comments section.
Top level comment talks about how the voice actor gets paid 100 Euros per word.
Next commenter makes a dumb joke comment (no it’s eight and teen) that probably sHoULd hAvE beEN wRiTTeN likE tHis to get the point across. That’s the wordplay.
Then the next people to remark on that comment literally come in and act offended that someone didn’t know the word 18, as the joke flew over their big dumb heads. (Linking the dictionary link for eighteen, “hurr durr being wrong isn’t inherently funny”). I responded to the first guy with the Wiki link to Humour because wow, some of y’all need to lighten up and stop being pedantic twits.
Then after that some smug guy comes in and moves the goal post to “no we just didn’t think the joke was funny.”
It was clearly a joke based on wordplay, not someone trying to assert a fact. That’s why I linked the Wiki article for Humor, because it seems like a lot of people don’t understand it.
Why summon scary things? Try to summon a succubus instead so you can die happy.
Because we can’t have nice things.
If you downvote this post, you are a humorless pedant
Good: Nice special effects, nice wardrobes, nice sets, the ludicrous violence fits right in with the universe, and particularly the performances from the actors are very good. At least visually, it looks way better and the effects look way more convincing than 3 Body Problem, to use another recent show as a comparison.
Bad: apparently the show disregards New Vegas lore (personally idk I never played it), I think the editing is super bad, the story is average.