From myself I see it as a sensory sensitivity. Like cheap sweatpants that have the fizzy stuff on the inside I can’t stand, but others are just like ehh, it’s not great. So while someone else is ehh about dysphoria, it was overwhelming to me.
From myself I see it as a sensory sensitivity. Like cheap sweatpants that have the fizzy stuff on the inside I can’t stand, but others are just like ehh, it’s not great. So while someone else is ehh about dysphoria, it was overwhelming to me.
Men are not asked that, men were mostly not in customer service jobs that needed to look nice. Men were not attacked for leading men along by smiling at them, after they were told to do so.
Yeah, all gods have been made by man.
They can, and do give the option for Enterprise support but not public/personal accounts. You will need to bcc if you don’t want others replying.
Ahh look alike they are the same thing. Thanks for letting me know. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stingray_phone_tracker#%3A~%3Atext=The+StingRay+is+an+IMSI-catcher%2C+a+cellular%2Cname+to+describe+these+kinds+of+devices.
The only thing that they could do quickly is have the towers shut down or bring a hammer. But both of those require more then just a for fun ask. Also street cops usually don’t have access to CIA level exploits. Look at what happened with stingray cell towers, local cops got access and people got wise to it since they overused it and used it for low level crimes.
Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face,” Trump said.
And they also went into a post about the damages of me eat eating on the environment and posted “I ate steak today” so they love being an asshole. They make lifer harder on themselves on purpose then try to play the victim. Typical Republican.
That might not be on steam but the way the game was made and even if it gotten thru piracy that it would still not work.
Legal in more states now. https://gotopless.org/topless-laws
Not related story but it’s a fallout 4 mod so you need the gam and all dlcs to play it
No, it’s self contained.
It’s the whole free speech thing we have.
Why else would Republicans ban books, keep their children in the dark about other religions and people. So they can keep them on the hate train.
They are not being replaced at the same rate though. Knowledge brings understanding, understanding bring empathy, empathy brings change.
They will die out, just need to outlast them for progress to be made.
Ahh, last time I used a non activated install I thought there were admin and personalization resections, but I guess those can be worked around by now.
That doesn’t withhold any features though. That’s just for supporting Ubuntu teams work with extra security patches. You can also get it for free for 5 machines.
? maybe sword art online