Jim Croce. He died relatively early in his career and was already an amazing songwriter. What could he have written with more time?
Jim Croce. He died relatively early in his career and was already an amazing songwriter. What could he have written with more time?
Once you’re a member it shows you a section in the app store. Unfortunately I’m not sure where to find a list before subscribing.
I tried to watch Lower Decks that way (on Prime) but it detected the VPN and didn’t let me. 😭
Yes, Kittens Game! If you want to increase your enjoyment even more, use a simple line of javascript to increase the game speed:
Ugh, stop commenting here, you’ve already shown you have no idea how to help autistic people and you’re running your mouth about shit you don’t understand.
Don’t come at me with this bullshit about you working in disability care, either. The world is full of shit disability workers; it’s not the flex you think it is.
You’re not even part of this community, you just stumbled across it. Kindly fuck off.
The no inner monologue thing threw me for a loop too. No wonder they all manage to get shit done. I’ve always had at least two layers of narration plus music.
I don’t have aphantasia, but I can’t imagine faces very well. I am extremely face blind, though.
I was told to bring a bunch of odd items such as strings coins and dice
What information are they looking for here?? I’d be so stressed wondering if my random collected junk collection was autistic enough. Do I bring my weird shit or just the “normal” trinkets? Should I just bring my favorites? How should I organize them? How many is too many?? Help I need to know why so I can make sure I do it right 😭
ADD used to be a separate diagnosis, but now they classify both as subtypes of ADHD: Primarily Hyperactive or Primarily Inattentive. I’m ADHD-PI and can’t relate to stereotypical hyperactivity at all.
Dutch has a lot of good ones!
Hippo: Nile Horse (nijlpaard)
Leopard: Lazy Horse (luipaard)
Sea urchin: Sea Hedgehog (zee egel)
Seal: Sea Dog (zeehond)
Skunk: Stink Animal (stinkdier)
Turtle: Shield Toad (Schildpad)
Slug: Naked Snail (Naaktslak)
Porcupine: Spiky Pig (Stekelvarken)
Edit: formatting
Some recipes depend on the dough being mixed just until the ingredients are combined, and not any longer. Other commenters are saying that overmixing cookies can warm the butter too much. With some recipes, like muffins, mixing creates gluten chains that lead to chewey-ness and toughness. So in order to avoid that you stop mixing asap.
Baking is a chemical reaction and the quantities, order, and methods really do have a huge impact on the result!