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Satire account
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Well yeah I think it is more properly attributed to that. But that also doesn’t change my point too much. If someone was pulling life together by anxiety, such sudden change is bound to be chaotic. I have plenty of security to insulate against this chaos at least
I just didn’t expect I would lose drive that made me grip the first career that was considered trendy that someone mentioned somewhere and I chosen because I had to choose something and maybe prove something
Maybe I will but my country has substandard adhd treatment with 2 meds available but I guess one can try that and see for myself if this is desirable change or something only made to fit into contemporary society workforce
Maybe, I am a bit energetic and overthinking as always but I don’t know if I would call it anxiety. At least it is different than it was. It was more like a paralysing fear that made me shake and I thought I am dying every second day.
If this overthinking is anxiety indeed then I think I kinda like it. But then I couldn’t know, I never had it differently.
I also fkd this post up a little by saying CBD but it likely was also HRT estrogen, probably mainly. I am not super good at formulating good posts
Well I was born fortunate and so my success didn’t come and yet I can enjoy such things. I think we all want to accomplish something in life ultimately, small or big it’s all very personal. My history is so complicated because I am also on HRT right now and I have gender related goals that take a big part of the whole picture. Maybe I underestimate how big. And yet some of these goals will never materialise and I will have to come to terms with some of it.
As much as I would want to look like some girl from instagram. I don’t think this is possible or is even productive to think too much about
Marxism is critically flawed about surplus value and definitions of egalitarianism unfortunately so while it all sounds nice on paper it never worked in practice
Op probably thinks socialism == Scandinavian welfare states. Most online USA midwits don’t know the difference
I live by this rule, it made me gain so much credibility and money from people who don’t know any better. 80/20 <3
20 percent of work nets you 80 percent of result (except no one knows what I did isn’t 100 percent) bam 4/5 of time saved. Everyone is happy and if something doesn’t work we can just blame it on client
Yeah well good luck with adhd at: work hard, show on time, remember that you have any work at all
First month is always all cool and nice thanks to inhumane amount of energy but then it catches up with you and you plunge hard
The more monotonous and routine something is the worse it gets. Same tram every day at same hour? Two weeks max before inevitable disappearance to never appear again.
It’s like walls are closing on you and anxiety attacks start and you have to run and regain your strength to try anew somewhere else.
Once it got so bad I almost got paranoidal psychosis because I just felt so bad so to preserve my mental health I had to disappear and barricade for half a year to recoup.
It’s no fun standing in public and feeling like you are about to die, freaking out about it, freaking out about freaking out about it and that you are crazy, running like mad from the place that gave you this suffocating feeling
I hate how Reddit conditioned my brain to see score before the actual content and make up my mind about it before even reading it.
I don’t say scores aren’t important to have some kind of loose groupthink quality control but it all has as many cons as it has pros and there isn’t really a perfect solution just least bad.
Also it is the main thing making social media so addicting when you receive points and I want internet to serve me and not I serve the internet.
If a phone/site/program makes everything possible to be as addictive then it actually makes you a slave to it imo instead of it being a useful tool enriching your experience and serving you to maybe get more useful information or show new ideas.
That’s why these new designs get more pretty to look at but less useful because they are made to hijack your time from yourself for ad watching. So in a way ad based companies literally do everything to steal the most valuable resource from you - your time and by extension - your life.
It’s very entertaining
No. It was just a cult of science and technology instead of real understanding of it. Some kind of naive belief that no matter what, the direction is only up and even accelerating. It was like being a sciencey golden retriever
You are right and I thought it was my cat doing litter business
I remember this mindset when I was 17. Unwavering faith in the unlimited human potential. Head loaded with science fiction didn’t even need drugs. Ray kurzweil. Longevity escape velocity. Flying cars.
Is this legit? Is this site trustworthy? Do you have maybe another source?
Lucky, privileged even
We love substances, if there is one thing I love as chem tech its substances