Yes it’s very important to accommodate genocide and climate denialism. 🙄
Yes it’s very important to accommodate genocide and climate denialism. 🙄
In retrospect, probably because I’m on the spectrum and I found computers far easier to deal with than people.
As long at it wasn’t even more destructive than normal cultivation (very much tbd), absolutely.
I had no qualms about switching to Beyond Meat either.
If we could figure out how to make a decent ribeye out of peas and seed oils, I’d prefer that to lab-grown too.
I’d rather have kids get interested in playing poker than pulling a slot machine lever.
As deranged as YaBoiBeefcat, but with better grammar.
A decent core game with huge amounts of annoying crap wrapped around it.
Everbody is collapsing into their lower back and would be way imbalanced in real life. Running would be painful with that posture.
Yeah I just wanted to play the arena combat.
I wanted to buy a $40 deck builder game with cool IP, they wanted to sell me a $70 AAA production with a bunch of external stuff that I found pretty boring.
I ended up not buying.
I think in the second half you’re asking whether butches are more likely to be toppy and femmes are more likely to be bottomy.
I think there’s probably some positive correlation there but butchness and toppiness are distinct concepts.
Hanging out with Shandling, Jean Shepard, and Woz sounds like a good time.
Unfortunately Garry is no longer available.
“Cop Killer” by Ice-T and Body Count is also acceptable entrance music.
Do they not realize people are broke?
I suggest pulling Marcus Aurelius out of that Great Books collection there.
Sounds fine to me, I never buy top of the line video cards anyway.
I want to play Bloodborne with this person.
Yeah she looks fine as hell.
Have you spent any time at other places on the Internet?