I used VLC in the past but switched to the simple music player after having too many bugs and crashes with VLC on my phone.
I used VLC in the past but switched to the simple music player after having too many bugs and crashes with VLC on my phone.
One alternative are monadic types like result or maybe, that can contain either a value or an error/no value.
I recently spent some time optimizing a small Julia program I wrote that generates a lookup table of brainfuck constants. Because it only needs to run once, I originally didn’t care about performance when I originally wrote it (and the optimization was mostly for fun).
I achieved an ~100x improvement by adding types, using static arrays and memoization. In the end, the performance was mostly limited by primitive math operations, I tried using multiple threads, but any synchronization destroyed the performance.
However, the most impressive thing was the ability of Julia to scale from dynamically typed scripting language to almost a compiled language with minimal changes to the code.
Having the commands listed at the bottom by default is one thing i personally dislike about nano, because they take up space while being useless to someone knowing the commands (or at least knowing how to open the help in, which is what you can do in vim to achieve the cheat sheet). The alternative that vim uses, is to show the commands when starting the editor without opening a file.
afaik yes, at least the arch kernel has selinux enabled, but you need to install the user space tools from the AUR.
I agree that having some glyphs in color can be bad, for example when you are typesetting a formula in TeX that contains emoji, the color looks just unprofessional. As a solution, let me introduce you to the Noto Emoji font: https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Emoji
I don’t really have a single favorite a language, if I am able to choose freely it depends on the task.
These shortcuts aren’t provided by the terminal or the shell but the readline library (or zle if you use zsh), which can be configured using the ~/.inputrc file.
Easyeffects is great, or use the eq built in to pipewire to avoid an additional dependency: wiki.archlinux.org/title/PipeWire#Systemwide_parametric_equalization
RAID 5/6 is somewhat broken, and some people might consider the lack of built in encryption or support for a cache disk as problems. For some reason it seems popular to blame it for data loss.
That being said, it is my favorite file system and I never had problems with data loss, but I use ECC RAM on my desktop as is strongly recommended if you use btrfs or zfs (another potential downside).
I don’t know of one, but why not install gnome on Mint (or Debian)?
I find that S-expressions are the best syntax for programming languages. And in general infix operators are inferior to either prefix or postfix notation.
I use both versions actively, the main differences of SCEE compared to StreetComplete are the addtion of more obscure questions (for example building and roof colors, species/genus of trees), allowing direct editing of tags and disabling the gamification/statistics.
I think it could be much worse than even a plain shell with ^R, as the llm will be slower than the normal history search and probably has less context than the $HISTFILE.