Well thanks. I don’t perfectly understand what you mean by “enviromental factor”, is it the education or something else?
Well thanks. I don’t perfectly understand what you mean by “enviromental factor”, is it the education or something else?
Thanks. By saying, they knew more, I ment, about the medical document (since they were the SpEd docs). Most of them never mentioned it directly, but the physics teacher did (since I’m not that good at it) and I felt the disrespect of some other teachers as well, but classmates respected me.
Edit: forgot to mention, the primary school knew more about my meltdowns, that I now mask at school.
I have previously had problems with this, like in primary school, when the documents were still valid, I was known as “the retarded kid” by the teachers. That’s also why I didn’t want my high school to know about my autism, but professors still, even now, that they know I have autism respect me, because they don’t know about since they don’t know as much as the primary school did.
We have to do it for any job.
Well, it could impact my future life. Where I live, I have to be medically asessed for any goverment provided license and for a job. I would probably easily pass any tests, but you have to send them your medical record, so I could end up in this situation.
Edit: I read all the articles (if I haven’t missed any) I understand them, I know, what you make from your live matters way more, than your inteligence, but it still is a statistic, valid or not, it has an impact on your life, if not directly (by being valid), indirectly (your rights).
I remember, I was reading well when I was around 4, so I didnt have any inteligence deficit. I can’t say anything about the test, because I don’t remember it. I wrote some more info I know in another answer.
I think I have a good IQ score (I was just tested incorectly), but I’m mostly scared, because I don’t know what logic deficit even is.
I don’t think I can still do the test, because it is a primary school special ed identification test, but I could go to a professional iq test, which I think tests for the same thing.
Yes, but you have to complete a health inspection to get a job. I also don’t fully understand logic deficits, I just suspected it to be inteligence. My mother told me, i didn’t want ro answer questions at the psychological examination and nobody cared enough to force or manipulate me to answer questions.
I’m not ableist to myself (at least I think so), but I always thought of myself as inteligent/good in logical subjects, so now I don’t know what to belive.
Where could I even find a doctor to identify it? If I go to the doctor and they diagnose me, I wouldn’t be able to get a job, any state provided license and a lot more. Then there is a school psychologist, that would tell professors and my academic sucess would probably fall.
I don’t care about other’s perception of my inteligence. I’m just worried for my intelectual ability.
Well, I would be happy if I got a disconfirmation of the logic deficit. I think this is how intelectual disability was called back then (the name changes a lot), so it just means inteligence.
Edit: Forgot to mention, I don’t remember how I was tested, so I can’t really say anythig about it. I’m good at math without serious learning, so I belive my logic is good.
Most people don’t call me stupid. My father found my apparent logic defficiencies in some old medical documents. I usually write better, I just didn’t really try doing good.
My apparent logic deficits are mentioned in my old autism related medical documents.
He found it in old medical documents
Well, it might be. I would be happier if I knew what was happening during testing, if I was even properly tested and what else happened then.