Multiplayer online battle arena?
It’s tower defense with extra steps.
Multiplayer online battle arena?
It’s tower defense with extra steps.
I can’t maintain it after I fall asleep for some reason. My wife and I still live in separate houses while we perfect the strategy.
As many as I have now? They aren’t coming out and I don’t plan to off myself because of that.
Depends how you drank.
In college when a heavy night could have meant sharing a 5th with one other person then switching to beer? A whole day or maybe 2. As an almost 40 something who had the third one and my lips tingled once? Gone by 9 am usually, unless I woke up to pee and drink 12 to 15 swallows of water then I wake up fine.
That puke and rally 21 to 28 was a glorious time, but you will never get it back lol.
Pepcid complete. It’s a life saver
IMO no equivalent. The closest word people might use is really derogatory, and has a connotation of being overly masculine for a woman.
In the spirit of describing women who are extremely proficient at a sport but not being indirectly called masculine… the word is probably just “athletic”.
Only if you decide to forget everyone else to go focus on your own happiness while you live in the woods.
Under trump yes it’s both overt and flagrant. Any of his friends, people he owes, people he likes, or those in his orbit get things like cabinet positions, or government contracts, or ambassadorships. This is new under trump. There have always been better or worse candidates for positions and questionable angling, but the “my kid gets this position, her father in law gets that one, this fox news guy gets this” undeniable.
This is in addition to the fact that the connections are now in the open as well. Trump just calls up a supreme Court justice when he’s got a case before them and they answer. Senators, governors, and of course house reps are the same and increasingly industry CEOs are playing the game.
To wrap a brief oligarchy/plutocracy comment, you can even go find a soundbite by trump that says basically “Elon gave us a lot of money, so I guess I’m a fan of electric cars now”. There is no more quiet part, or quiet part loud, it’s just all loud.
That’s a funny typo, but I gotta fix it.
The very situation we are in now was greatly enabled because lots of people did what you are doing. Dont lose sleep and sacrifice your health (edit not help), but if you were ever an undecided candidate while Trump was running, or you don’t know what an oligarchy or nepotism is or why they’re relevant, or can’t recount what happened on Jan 6 2021, you NEED to pay more attention.
Probably no. I don’t like art because a human made it, I like it because it looks / sounds / feels good. I presume most other consumers feel the same way generally.
Agreed, but let’s be clear about what “evenly” means.
If you have two children and one goes to college and the other doesn’t, the one who doesn’t go is getting shorted money unless you make an alternate arrangement with them.
If your children are adults and one lives on your couch and one has their own house and job, if something happens to you, splitting the inheritance down the middle is not fair: you paid room and board for one and not the other. Itemize that shit and it comes out of your roommate’s end.
Starting at adulthood, equal is equal; it isn’t “equitable”. I’m not arguing that you gotta take Tommy’s braces out of his inheritance, but you gotta take out the car you buy him to get around as an adult, bail money, the money you have to help with house downpayment, it all counts.
And yet, considering OPs post everyone goes in the same basket apparently
Thanks. This is a real perspective changer of a thread for me.
I think we can absolutely agree to the fact that the system is broken.
I would love help to fix it, but I have to operate in it for the time being. I even want to play on the leftist team, but I find it pretty unsatisfying though to get spit on by the rest of the team you know?
This post really kinda summarizes it for me. Regular people trying to make it? Nah fuck em. You’re the same as big asshole real estate. Man that sucks to read and it makes me indignant. It’s a totally shit thing to hear when I’m ready to give something for nothing because people just deserve it, you know? I don’t even own a second property and it makes me salty.
All I want to do is save so I can help my kids through college and maybe buy a house where they can have a flat piece of ground for a swing set and to throw a ball around. If I can give extra I will, but dammit threads like this really want to paint people like me as assholes.
I do not prefer it.
I wasn’t exaggerating anything except the bank account limit.
There are plenty of locations where owning an extra residence is not denying a basic human need, and more to the point there is a level of “wealth” that is basically the whole run of 6 figures to 7 figures where you probably can’t retire, you can cover college for kids, and you’re on board with most leftist concepts. On that train yeah it does sometimes make sense to buy property. I hope one day to afford something like that. But I refuse to see a place that is mostly safe to park money while the next president lights stuff in fire to put me on the same level as rental companies buying every property on the market.
So where does the money go then?
It’s leeching to landlord. It’s leeching to put it in the market to get passive income. There’s some magical point where it’s too much money to keep in a bank account by either FDIC or people saying “bro there are homeless folks on the street!”
If you have money in any quantity, it makes no sense not to put it to work. I can take it out and out it in a mattress in my house for safe keeping, but functionally that’s stupid. There are plenty of people who aren’t trying to screw anybody who have more money than makes ends meet AND are onboard with the same causes, but for some reason we gotta do a scarlett L if they put it in real estate?
For the I have less than 1M but more than 100K crowd, I don’t know what the general population of this thread expects. This is the wealthiest most of us can ever hope to be. It’s not by any means fuck you money, but it sure gets fuck you treatment.
My dad always told me when I was younger that when I grew up and had more money I’d be republican. Something along the lines of that saying that says young people who aren’t lefties have no hearts and older people who aren’t righties have no brains.
I wouldn’t say I have a LOT of money, but I’m a single digit percenter in my state. I’m happy to give and I often do. And I’m involved in the community and local politics to hopefully leave things better than I found them. I think you are right that many people might become unprincipled and change their tunes, but I also think there are many people in my shoes who want to help who get rage spit on by people who aren’t as fortunate. It is super dissonant to me.
Sure, don’t be a leech and profit off of the suffering of others. ALSO don’t be an ungrateful dickbag when I’m willing to offer you something I have, you need, and there’s no reason outside basic human decency I should give it to you.
All landlords are parasites? Fuck off, I’m gonna put my money where it is most likely to hang out until my kids need it or the country explodes. Then I’ll be happy to share around the remainder.
I played FF7 only and loved it. I did not care for the first remake game, and have not finished it. Hanging at like 70% complete.