This, and they may have released smolts there after removing the dam.
This, and they may have released smolts there after removing the dam.
This poor kitten is in dangers way standing on the bridge like that. It’s only held in place with the tension of the strings. When they pop, they pop off hard.
Source: hit in the face while re-stringing a bass
Giant shirtless executioners then, I guess.
Ark survival evolved is one of my personal favorites
I like how people assume they bought them to make games instead of buying them to eliminate the competition.
They know, they just don’t give a shit beyond short term gains.
Best way to make the switch is by immersion. I’d also like to add it’s best to do it when you’re not being forced on a timeline, and you have time to deal with it. All my personal machines made the jump 7 years ago and I don’t regret it.
Agreed, IaC has helped that process a lot. I just used to curse.
I agree. However… I do have a public repo with my helper scripts in case I need to set them up on a new machine. best of both worlds!
I’m personally using Mint for this exact purpose. It just works and I don’t have to think about it much.
I love Mint for the simplicity. My only complaint is the lack of Wayland support for cinnamon.
Nor should it be.
I’m in this comment and I don’t know how to feel about it.
I’m forced to use it at work. It’s the worst because it has so many limitations and performance issues. I’m not satisfied because it’s assumed to be an equivalent and it’s not.