At one point I had found an existing issue in the bug tracker, but the last time I looked I couldn’t find it again.
And I’ve tried both the open source nouveau driver, and a driver downloaded from Nvidia and they both had the same issue.
At one point I had found an existing issue in the bug tracker, but the last time I looked I couldn’t find it again.
And I’ve tried both the open source nouveau driver, and a driver downloaded from Nvidia and they both had the same issue.
Unfortunately no. I mean for the most part it works pretty well (Plasma 6) but I do have a couple consistent issues.
On my AMD gaming laptop it has some weird video static artifacts occasionally when running on the laptop screen that don’t exist on external screens. But I know that it it isn’t a problem with the screen, because it happens on two different laptops with the same CPU/ GPU combination.
A slightly more serious issue on my work laptop which uses an old Nvidia MX-series GPU, and if I’m using an external screen, Wayland crashes if the screen goes to sleep.
But other than those issues, it’s been pretty good.
I miss Soylent as well. I think the peak was the bottled version right before they switched to the “sqround” bottles.
XFS on my server VMs and my laptops and desktops.
ZFS on my file server. I’d use it on my laptops and desktops too (and have done when I was using Xubuntu) but I’ve switched toFedora which doesn’t come with a way to easily install with ZFS and I don’t feel like jumping through hoops to get it done. And I can’t stand btrfs. I don’t know what it is about it, but I just don’t like it.
I’ve been using FolderSync (Pro in my case) for many years to sync files (automatically and/or on-demand) from my phone to my Linux server.
AMD GPU just works, no fussing about, get straight to fragging on Xonotic and Counter Strike
Unless you have a monitor that requires HDMI 2.1 to get full resolution/refresh. Then it only works partially.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Linux, and I’ve been using it on my desktops/laptops for almost 30 years at this point.
But there are still issues to deal with on a regular basis, same as Windows or OSX.
Growing up in west Texas, I talked to one uber-Baptist who for some unfathomable reason believed that the Catholics “worship Mary”, therefore they don’t follow the “there is only one God” rule and therefore aren’t Christian.
The only stuff, that’s popular, that I have no opinion on is Babylon 5, mainly because I have not watched any of it
I highly recommend you watch it. Just keep in mind the first season (esp the first half) is tough, some bad dialog and acting. But it has important character and setting development.
The end of season 1 things get better, and by the first few episodes of season 2 you’ll be hooked.
At the end of the day, I bet you’ll acknowledge that B5 has BOTH some of the worst writing/acting you’ll see in a TV show, AND some of the best writing/acting you’ll ever see anywhere.
the least terrible Republican that isn’t trump for this primary election.
And who might that be? While Trump is by far the worst, none of the others seem significantly better than each other.
Plus everyone, but Haley and Trump have dropped out.
The main point was always portability, and the ability to run NetBSD on basically ANYTHING.
Biggest problem I see is its inability to embed images and other multimedia.
That’s one of its best features as far as I’m concerned, and one of the reasons I still use it every day.
Not only could it do full motion video, but it could, on a 200Mhz Pentium MMX CPU, rotate an OpenGL cube on any axis with a different video running on all six sides, and do so smoothly and without any lag or video stuttering. It was incredible what they were able to do back then. Hell I’m not entirely convinced Windows could pull that off now!
I still have a (pirated) copy of this. I loved this utility back in the day. Except when it showed me that my 40MB MFM hard drive was about the same speed as a parallel port Zip drive.
Really only to get notifications of weather stuff from my local NWS office.
Most people don’t do it on their main system. They either have a secondary/hobby system they are playing with, or do it in a VM.
Or they are dual/triple booting.
While I could easily get more than $10mil with my current knowledge (assuming I go back in time to 6yrs old), I would not have the same wife or child as I do now, and there’s no way I’ll give them up, so I’ll just take the $10mil now .
It was difficult, but awesome.
What qualifies as “basic necessities”?
I’m not sure minimum wage has ever been enough for most people to afford an apartment on their own.
Certainly in the early 90s, even in a low cost of living area, I was working 2 jobs (one part time but a bit over minimum wage) in order to share a 500sqft, 1br apartment with a friend.
And part of the problem with trying to set a level of basic necessities (or a ‘living wage’) is that you have to account for a TON of external factors.
For example, nobody is building affordable, reasonably sized apartments or houses any more. They only want to build 2000sqft+ houses, or 1000+sqft apartments with all the trimmings and amenities. That certainly raises the cost of living.
By way of comparison, my grandparents raised 3 kids in a 998sqft 2-story duplex. It’s wasn’t large but it was a good family neighborhood with a park across the street. And they had 1 smallish (for the era) car. So why does everyone need a bajillion square feet and 2 cars, including a massive SUV to raise their 1 or 2 kids these days? (2 cars I get with both parents working these days, but the trucks and SUVs I see many low income families driving is ridiculous).
And is it fair for the minimum wage to have to be set to a rate that subsidizes the builders who choose to only build that bigger, more expensive housing.
We definitely need changes in the way this is all handled, but it’s not a simple thing. To truly solve the issue will require significant changes in our social structure and philosophy.
I’ve always been happiest with xfce4-terminal, though I’m using Konsole currently until XFCE fully supports Wayland.
Way back when, I was more than happy with rxvt.