Honestly, sorting algos are serious nerd shit. They’re for suckers and losers. If it’s not worth doing, insertion sort every day of the week. Compute is cheap. If it’s actually important, then it’s TimSort (it’s never important).
Honestly, sorting algos are serious nerd shit. They’re for suckers and losers. If it’s not worth doing, insertion sort every day of the week. Compute is cheap. If it’s actually important, then it’s TimSort (it’s never important).
Out of the hundreds of judges, over 97% were born on Earth.
All 97%, and all of the remaining 3%, have lived on or in the orbit of Earth for the past three consecutive years. Their financial records indicate that their income is primarily from terrestrial sources.
My understanding is that in a porn folder one of fictional well endowed characters was apparently supposed to be under aged. I also understand there were numerous horses.
Guy in the picture is an online politics streamer and has a running “joke” that he’s a pedophile.
AFAIK he’s not and there’s no real evidence supporting it. He is, however, a horse botherer.
Back when the war in Ukraine started someone faked a news story about the “Karkiv Kid Finder”, which got some attention. https://www.reuters.com/article/fact-check/cnn-did-not-tweet-a-story-about-the-kharkiv-kid-finder-idUSL2N2VB0UM/
No mixed feelings.
I wish there was more wind.
I like wind.
What portion of the electromagnetic field is produced by the display?
Do these pens work with tablets that have ePaper displays?
(no experience with these pens; STEM nerd popping in from the main page. I was only aware of styluses <stylusi? styli? styleese?> and battery pens)
As a workaround with the default directory fuckery, I always just made new ones.
I’m not confident my tax documents aren’t saved to my dektop.
I usually air gap onto an external disk, but I’ve been busy recently.
That’s basically why humans are OP. A maxed out teach skill, paired with a high social base stat, is incredible synergy. Tool use is just a bonus.
You COULD invest in an enterprise grade shoe rack unit which can act as the centeralized hub. Essentially, all users would connect with the server each time they need a shoe. As you note, distributed shoe storage technology exists, but there are actually a few different implementation strategies.
One option is to retrofit an area in the personal closet for shoes. This has the advantage of keeping each user’s shoes away and out of reach from threat actors who wish to gain access to the shoes. A disadvantage occurs when there are poor weather conditions. The strategy there is to leave the shoes outside to dry.
Another option is to implement the strategy you outlined and practice a door-first shoe storage policy. Slides near the doors, work boots at the back door, and nicer shoes at the front door. In cases where shoe resources are over assigned, you would construct a priority chart to ensure that the shoes (usually slides) are stored at the door where they are most needed.
Another popular option in my region is to forgo shoes outside if you’re staying within the household property. Depending on a user’s mass, testicular fortitude, and the surrounding terrain, it is actually quite possible to take the rubbish to a wheely bin while walking over perfectly smooth pavement. Just wipe your feet a bit when going inside.
There are also homebrew hybrid solutions which mix and match any of the above, but be warned that a novel approach might have limited community support.
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How much have you read about the history of religion?
If they’re not doing it to others, they’re doing it to themselves. The last time there wasn’t a Christian church leader ranting about an evil person was around year 0.
Me, playing the Sims when poor.
WeChat preinstalled?
But nah, the OnePlus 7 with a custom ROM was my jam. Shame the screen broke.
Wow! Rattling off stats like that is a great way to show you’re not shilling.
Tell me, how is the display color quality and camera resolution?
Make sure to encrypt messages with a ceasar cypher.
Plato has basically nothing to do with modern politics.
You’re going to laugh, but I’m absolutely serious here: if your objective is to understand modern politics, I would start with The Prince and the Communist Manifesto.
Both of these are short, written by extremely influential figures, written for non-academic audiences, and have some amount of relevancy to current political operations. They absolutely do not explain modern politics, but they are important foundational texts. Spend 20 hours on the manifesto; 2 hours to read and 18 hours of commentary and related topics. Avoid going deeper into the communist rabbit holes. stop there. Spend 30 hours on the prince; look for college level lectures. You can spend more than 30 if you like, but don’t go for the self help guru dipshits, obviously.
Just keep in mind the target audences and the potential bias the two authors bring to the table.
After those two, I want you to read On Liberty and read up on John Locke’s social contract theory. Those four works will get you a lot of milage.
A book about current events or a book about the study of politics? OP indicated they were political theory focused, so a lot of the theory was written by old dead guys; not exactly news about current events.
I studied both political science and programming.
I can’t think of a good joke, but I wanted to share.
Follow up question: If I reformat and write my drive with 0s, how reliable are the mechanisms to recover previously stored data on:
Asking as a hypothetical for a hypothetical friend.