She hated on Data, she can burn in hell. Beverly Kusher otoh is Bae, only bested by EMH who is best doctor.
Stets zu spät und trotzdem da ;)
Rough is my understatement. My $200 gamble on embracer stock is now worth about $40 lol
HL2 Ep 2 vibes… I dig it
00:00 is the time with the new (“tomorrow”) date, 24:00 is the time with the old (“yesterday”) date.
24:00 isnt really used, in my experience. Also, many people dont mentally switch dates until they went to bed.
Jadzia would never utter such a garbage take. The Dax symbiont is gonna sue ya if you dont delete this.
Exactly this happened to my mum when she tried making homemade frozen pizza without prebaking it. Either this is a store bought frozen pizza that thawed in a serious manner or something similar happened.
Source: I sustain myself on a healthy 33% Pizza diet.
Tuvix was an abomination and deserved to die. Janeway did nothing wrong.
Its still completely plausible IMO. He never showed big interest in Klingon cuisine until he met Jadzia. He was raised by his humans, probably with human food. He might not even know that his bowel movements are irregular/unusual, since talking about shit isnt exactly a topic of honor he would discuss with other Klingons. And he always lead a pretty conservative lifestyle, avoiding change whenever possible. Why should he randomly change to a klingon diet?
Its not true. A fragmented playerbase hurts everyone. I was there in the Source vs CS 1.6 days. Source and 1.6 were basically completely seperate communities, which were only really unified when CS:GO came out.
Imagine getting the new CS only to find out all your friends refuse to move to the new game, so you have to go there too if you want to play with them and learn everything anew just when you learned the ropes in the new game. A terrible new user experience, which hampers growth, which leads to a dying game.
Updating a hugely successful game is always difficult. Should you cater to the “old guard”? Absolutely. But when they are a contentious bunch who hate change, you just have to force them, or they will paint themselves into a corner, completely isolating themselves from new players. They would probably see this as a win too: no annoying “n00bs”.
This would be exactly the situation that developed between 1.6 and Source.
Imma gonna need you to photoshop Jadzia in there, mm-kay?
Deswegen “versucht”
Er versuchte wohl zu flirten 🤣
Ist etwas, was man am ehesten zu seinem Partner sagt, sowas wie “darling” auf Englisch…
Barista Barista Antifacista!