“It’s not whooping cough. Sure, you have all the symptoms of whooping cough and live in an area with an active whooping cough outbreak, doesn’t matter, I don’t think it’s whooping cough.”
multiple visits later in a single week as symptoms worsen
“Fine, here’s a prescription for amoxicillin, you hypochondriac, but I don’t think it will do anything for you.”
whooping cough clears up completely
I do trust medical science but that experience was easily the worst of my adult life. Whooping cough is no joke, folks.
The weirdest thing about watching old sitcoms that one last saw as a kid is seeing all these characters we used to regard as “old people” looking so young.
I shave the parts of my chest within 10cm of my nipples, so that suction toys stay on properly.
I feel that way every time I start vscode. A fast, high quality, open-source, cross-platform IDE - on Electron of all things - made by Microsoft? It’s so weird.
Also, Star Trek as entertainment is canon within the Star Trek universe, confirmed in the “Enterprise” TV finale.