Not to the same degree.
Not to the same degree.
So, your opinion is that any and all violent content is never a concern, and is appropriate for any age, even small children?
“So YoUr OpInIoN iS” shut up lol. I didn’t say that. I just said violence is much different than sexuality, and thats reflective of how society treats the two topics in media.
Sex is so much different than violence. Sexuality is something is developed over the life of a person and can be heavily influenced by early exposure. Where violence isn’t spurred on by video games (unless you are one of the boomers complaining that video games cause violence) because shooting people isn’t a part of normal life.
Sure but what does that have to do with what I said?
No, I just don’t want needless sex in my games. I don’t care to make it illegal or anything but I’m speaking out that I do not enjoy sexuality in video games and think if that’s something people desire, they can find that sort of content elsewhere.
Continuous exposure to sexual content throughout childhood can have significant effect on their sexuality later in life. I don’t think the same thing is true for shooting games.
Having sex is probably something you will do in your life, mass murder is not.
I would say this exactly why one topic is more sensitive than the other. No one goes around killing aliens with ray guns, so there really isn’t much to emulate there. Whereas sex appeals to our biology and on young impressionable children, it could have significant impact on them to be continuously exposed to it through media.
“No one should make content that I don’t personally approve of” is one that I would categorize as worthy of criticism.
Who said no one can make content if it has sex in it? People are just saying they don’t like it and everyone is sperging out about how children should see sexual content because they also see violence.
Do you consider masterbation sex? because uhh it isn’t
Unironically yes. Pornography appeals to our monkey brain in a way that violence doesn’t. Violence in media is just an expression of conflict.
Do you recognize that some people may have different values than your own and it’s ok for them to strive towards upholding them? You are not losing anything in life by not having pornographic scenes in video games.
Why is it sad? Some people want sex to be a private thing that individuals do outside of the public eye. Not everyone is a coomer who wants to revolve their life around sexuality. Just because people have different values than you doesn’t make it sad.
remember when two highschool students solved a 4000 year old unsolved mathematical proof https://www.wfla.com/news/education/teens-prove-2000-year-old-pythagorean-theorem-school-officials-say/#:~:text=School officials say 17-year,and without using circular logic.
I would suggest we defer what the middle ground or success factors look like to the people running and studying programs like this
Nah I think i’ll keep having my own opinions instead of blindly trusting “experts”. There is a lot of money in the addiction biz, and you don’t make money off of a recovered addict. I am unwilling to fund someones addiction for their entire life. It’s easy to be a functional addict when everyone else is footing the bill. I don’t think temporary improvement of conditions is indicative of much.
What you call punishment I call boundaries. I know a lot of addicts and I’ve seen what worked for those who were able to break the cycle. Knowing that your family will kick you out of the house for instance, is a pretty big deterrent to using drugs. There needs to be some limits somewhere so we aren’t subsidizing life long addiction on tax payer dime.
What do you mean when you say “full restriction”? Initially quitting is definitely the hardest part. The temptation to make all your pain go away with a quick trip is too much to bear for many. There’s a reason most detox facilities restrict you from having phones, cash, and don’t let you leave. I think its good for addicts to have temporary restrictions on their freedoms to initially get clean.
I’m totally fine funding good rehab care. but i’m not willing to continue to fund an addicts addiction with my tax dollars. perhaps make this program require a voluntary admission into a program with reduced freedoms (i.e. can’t leave the campus) until the drug addiction is kicked.
Can we find a middle ground where perhaps you have up to 3 months to be off drugs or else you lose your benefits? Of course with proper care supplied. People need to know they are putting their immediate comfort at risk if they continue to use drugs
bro thought he said something smart