I’ve watched it on netflix and quality was as good as you could expect of it
I’ve watched it on netflix and quality was as good as you could expect of it
Why have children hold the sticks and not make stands to hang them on (the sticks not the children)
You are welcome! You may visit the danish instance at feddit.dk
Just as Denmark, it is not very large but plenty of people willing to help, mixed with some degree of Danish sarcasm
Even better, make a list of the ads you see, and activelly avoid buying the products or services that they promote.
hm… not quite… but it certainly has seen some ups and downs, that are larger than what happened this morning. This is a graph of “all time”
not really news… This is a 1 years graph… its been going downward for some time
I don’t think this is true.
I agree that nobody can be neutral, but reporting news should at least try to be. It is basically just telling facts about what is going on in the world. I understand that being totally objective is not possible, but not trying, and reporting facts with an agenda is not a news source that I would take seriously
I know that it is not possible, but actively having an orientation just makes for bad journalism. Reporting on news from both sides, and not sensationalizing news or the way they are reported, should be key factors of any good source of news
News sources should not have orientations. They should be neutral. If they have a political orientation they are not my favourite source at all
That is one of the reason why many of us are not on reddit any more. Thanks for reminding us!
I think that it is weird that you ask us and not your neighbour
Yeah, i dont read the article as dismissing her. In fact they seem to appreciate her work and personality!
I wonder why my comment was removed by the mods!?
Well i dont know what you need to do with it but as a regular desktop user, it works well out of the box for me. I run Mint Cinammon.
If you do want to make it complicated i guess it can become hairy.
Ps. The links you sent dont link to specific threads at least not on my phone.
Interesting. I get the vulcan shader render popups every single time, on all games. But only NMS will dowonload updates like this through steam
Sorry - that is not true. Actually i have never done that (at least not manually), and don’t even know what updating dependencies means. It runs all updates automatically and has not failed once. I have run Linux for half a year, and only used the terminal a couple of times to adjust some weird thing that did not work out of the box. Linux has come a long way!
What took the longest time, was getting to learn new software instead of the usual suspects, like Photoshop and DaVinci
For me, the Vulcan shader pre-caching is different. It is a pop up with a percentage indicator. This is a regular steam update like it used to be on windows.
USA 1970s