Who eats a cheese sandwich with ketchup? That’s disgusting. Now peanut butter and cheese sandwich? Perfectly acceptable.
Who eats a cheese sandwich with ketchup? That’s disgusting. Now peanut butter and cheese sandwich? Perfectly acceptable.
This is basically why people self host. Then your phone is really just a client to all your services.
I haaaaaate progressive muscle relaxation. They made us do it in school when I was little and I have a mental block about it. I’ve had success with guided meditations on an app called insight timer. I’ve also had success with the worry box technique. If I decide I’m not going to deal with something till another time it goes into the worry box.
It’s so frustrating too because the atmosphere, casting, acting, even the characters are really compelling. But they just absolutely refused to take any risks. It’s like they just didn’t get the whole point. Rey needed to become a gray character, and kylo needed to be redeemed. And they both had to live with it and shoulders the burdens of their past. Luke needed to accept that ultimately people are people and you can’t expect to entirely subvert either your baser or more noble emotions and instincts.
I really like purelymail. I’ve had no problems, their billing is super simple and really cheap. The security options are nice and it doesn’t want to sell me a VPN or share my files or any crap like that.
Sometimes fridge doors sag because the bushings on the hinges break or deteriorate. I’ve fixed them before by adding washers in place of the bushings, or cutting a new bushing out of a hard plastic cutting board.
If I had a fan that did that I’d open it up and clip off the Bluetooth antenna.
I won’t notice a qualitative difference most of the time either, but I have noticed that I am much less anxious and have a better time at social gatherings when I have exercised than when I haven’t. It’s tricky for those of us who can’t take stock of ourselves very well.
That’s clever, but I’d rather mow than mop.
High intensity exercise works great for stress and anxiety. Even just a few minutes will make a noticeable difference.
“Fix”. If I’m 10 minutes late with my dog’s breakfast he decides he needs to eat half my lawn.
I believe solokeys are open source. I use a solo v1 for sudo, ssh, and two factor websites. They either went out of business or are basically defunct as I understand it, but you can pick them up on crowd supply. I wouldn’t get the v2, supposedly they had problems and that’s why they shut down. You likely won’t see updates, but they do function for what you’re looking for. There are some that are shaped like a small thumb drive and some that sit almost flush with a USB port. Some have nfc, which is useful for phones. Buy at least 2 though, and register both for everything, because you don’t want to lock yourself out of something.
Thank goodness I had a newer monitor then, because I would definitely have toasted several.
I’m so divorced from normalcy I have no frame of reference. Do normal people who don’t do this stuff for a living use Linux now, outside handheld gaming devices? I figured they just used whatever came on whatever device they wanted to buy.
Did you ever dual boot Linux and windows, and also have VMware installed in both so you could boot the other one from inside whichever you had booted? Because I spent an insane amount of time screwing around with that for as excruciatingly slow as it was back then.
You never know when you’ll need to install period Linux on an old piece of hardware.
I think you need to qualify that having used or tried Linux in college was normal in the 2000s for someone in computer science or engineering, or basically my fellow undiagnosed autistics and autistic adjacents. In my experience it was fairly normal in college for most people to have trouble operating a basic word processor, and they would not have had any idea what Linux was at all.
“mailing list and Usenet support”. Yeah. If you’ve ever looked up some weird issues and the only thing that you can come up with is some Debian message group that looks like it was typed on a typewriter, is extremely difficult to follow the response chain, and is apparently from before Y2K… That’s what it was like to run Linux back then.
How wrong did you have to be to break your monitor? Because I’m positive I got it very wrong a whole lot of times and never managed that.
I hope someone gives you a good answer, because I’d like one myself. My method has just been to do this stuff little by little. I would also recommend calibre web for interfacing instead of calibre. You can run both in docker, and access calibre on your server from whatever computer you happen to be on. I find centralizing collections makes the task of managing them at least more mentally manageable.
You might want to give an idea of the size of your library. What some people consider large, others might consider nothing much. If it is exceedingly large you’re better off asking someplace with more data hoarders instead of a general Linux board.