Since they still exist, only time will tell if the promise of nuclear power and/or cryptocurrencies come to be.
AGI and even IMHO AI do not exist. Whatever product is being marketed as AI isn’t what I would consider AI. “AI” can have its uses but I really do not think they will be what people expect because it fundamentally lacks what I would consider crucial aspects of human intelligence.
AI makes for a very good grammar checker. It is good at producing filler content for SEO. And it is good at producing “stuff” that looks like it could be right. Probably will have some uses in creative work since it doesn’t have to be “correct” so as a tool to aid an artist, that’s seems pretty cool - I’m sure that is already happening. It will have its uses and a lot of companies will find out the hard way, it is not that they think. That’s my prediction.
I have had the A750 for a year+ now and play most games on Linux. mainly indy games and path of exile. PoE plays better under Linux than Windows, by far. I have not had driver issues at all (or that were noticeable to me) but it isn’t like I have tested it extensively.
If you are into PoE then you may know about how unplayable blight, esp blight ravaged maps can be. Slide show or worse for me on Windows with both the A750 and with the older NVIDIA card I had before. Under Linux it plays quite well except with things hit hyper density of mobs situations and even then its still playable.