Daggerfall has most of that, and has extra stuff like the ability to climb walls without magic! IMO the dice-roll combat also feels way better in Daggerfall than in Morrowind.
Daggerfall has most of that, and has extra stuff like the ability to climb walls without magic! IMO the dice-roll combat also feels way better in Daggerfall than in Morrowind.
Personally I feel that way about Morrowind - mechanically it’s like a stripped down, worse version of Daggerfall while also being an inferior implementation of a fully 3d game than Oblivion.
Yeah personally I reckon that Oblivion and Daggerfall are the two best TES games ever made - both are better than Morrowind, and significantly better than Skyrim.
I also reckon that Starfield will be up there with Oblivion and Daggerfall a couple years after the modding tools are released!
Wasn’t Google Photos super racist a few years back?
Kinda hard to have a stable food system when an imperial power is stealing most of your food in a rather genocidal fashion!
Pretty sure that’s actually just a reference to the film Soylent Green…
Got a bunch of Athom bulbs (and smart plugs) along with a custom-built LED strip that’s attatched to the back of my TV!
Kinda hard to control the brightness and colour temperature on traditional lightbulbs!
Can’t control colour temperature and brightness, and it’s a pain in the ass getting traditional bulbs to automatically turn on with your morning alarm!
That said I personally wouldn’t buy proprietary smart lighting - all my lights are running the FOSS WLED firmware, controlled through self-hosted HomeAssistant and HyperHDR.
Ayy kinda like most of the authoritarian state capitalist countries they idolise
A lot of the game world in Oblivion and pretty much all of it in Daggerfall were procedurally generated by Bethesda yet I personally consider them to be the best games that Bethesda has ever produced!
I last played Fallout 3 about a year ago and it’s pretty clear playing Starfield that there have, in fact, been a lot of advancements in that time.
Yeah I’m already running about half a dozen UI mods on Starfield and it makes the game a hell of a lot better!
Sure thing, here ya go!
Adding on to your comment, I read a really interesting study recently that suggests that interacting with AI engages the social parts of our brains but does not provide the same stimuli/feedback as interacting with a real person leading to increased loneliness and thus increased alcohol abuse and insomnia.
I’ve heard Power Delete Suite suggested as a potentially superior alternative, am planning to try it out in a few days time!
Yeah IMO it’s far better for games like Cities Skylines to use as much RAM as they can - especially once mods start coming out! I’ve had times where my heavily modded version of CS1 wanted 16+ gb of memory because loading assets from RAM is way faster than loading from SSD/HDD!