I am very happy with Kagi. Can recommend. In the end someone has to pay for the service. With Kagi I know I don’t pay with my data but with money.
I am very happy with Kagi. Can recommend. In the end someone has to pay for the service. With Kagi I know I don’t pay with my data but with money.
If you are not in for the dividents or the voting privileges stocks are always a game of “I hope someone is dumb enough to pay more than me for these shares”.
IPv6 has temporary IPs for privacy reasons. NAT is NOT a firewall. Setting up a real firewall is more secure and gives you more control without things like UPNP and NAT-PMP.
I still have my IPv6 sage shirt somewhere.
You should rather find out why things break with IPv6. The best time to make IPv6 work is now.
Why should I use IP6 in my small home network?
Or in an SMB where there are less than 100 IP’s used on a daily basis?
First I have to pay the cost of transition, along with the risk of things not working while I do this, and then the risk of something new being added and not working.
You can transition step by step. Dual Stack is a thing.
IP6 is good for backbone right now. It will slowly transition into LAN for larger environments (think Enterprise when they setup new network segments, since they’re buying new hardware anyway. But only after extensive testing.
That makes no sense to me. Every network in itself doesn’t need IPv6. The range has 16 777 216 addresses. IPv6 only makes sense if everyone uses it. We bought ourselves time with NAT and CGNAT and splitting up older ranges but that won’t last forever and is costly.
Everyone needs to transition otherwise services will need to keep their IPv4 forever. And if the services keep their IPv4 users don’t have an incentive. Maybe we should transition BEFORE there is time pressure. Now is the time to slowly start setting everything up with enough time to plan and test firewall rules and appliances and everything else.
IPv6 after so many years still is a victim of the chicken-egg-problem. People don’t need it because services don’t support it because people don’t need it because … and so on and so forth. I try to enable IPv6 wherever I can and I didn’t have a propblem for ages. Dual stack is stable and there are actually a good amount of services that support it.
I think we should all push to implement IPv6 so that IPv4 can finally be laid to rest. Using IPv4 makes everything a bit more expensive because it is so damn expensive to get a stupid number. If someone is really scared that every computer has a publicly routable IP, and if you really think you can not configure a firewall, there is a private IPv6 space and you can use NAT with IPv6. It’s not recomended but it’s possible. I’d still say using a firewall is not harder and just as safe.
And there is the fact that you can make so many subnets which can make your internal network so much safer. You can controll better how packages are sent to groups because broadcast was dropped in favor of multicast. There is IPSec Support built in. Secure Neighbor Desicorvery to prevent attacks like ARP spoofing. There are a lot of reasons to implement IPv6 and even to switch to IPv6 only if possible.
Ich habe nichts gegen Zucker. Ich bin nur kein Fan davon wenn man belogen wird, dass wenn man Zucker durch anderen Zucker ersetzt es dann ist besser. Alles in maßen. Auch Früchte. Vor allem Smoothies und Fruchtsäfte sind Zucker bomben. Für ein Glas Orangensaft braucht man so 2-3 Orangen. So viel würde man normalerweise nicht essen.
Agaven Dicksaft hat 310 kcal pro 100g und Zucker 400. Das macht nicht viel aus Dattelzucker ist etwas besser mit 280. Aber das ist auch immer noch knapp unter 3/4 von normalem Zucker. Dieses “Healthwashing” kann halt schnell ungesund werden wenn man sich dessen nicht bewusst ist.
Zucker ist ein normales Lebensmittel was nicht inhärent schlecht ist. Die Menge macht es.
Ich würde sagen Zucker bleibt Zucker. Früchte sind auch in großen mengen nicht super gesund.
I’d consider btrfs if they finally make their raid5/6 implementation stable. I want to work with multiple disks without sacrificing half of my storage.
I think the idea of prusa is cool but I feel like they are a bit behind. Especially regarding price to performance. That is what I gathered from the reviews at least. They are pretty reliable but not the latest and greatest tech.
Yeah I did that math myself. I would only do that because I like my Ender 3. But in the end a complete package sounds very tempting.
Don’t misunderstand me. I am very impressed by the performance of the Bambu printers. They really gave the established brands a kick in the butt price and performance wise.
Still it makes me uneasy to have a closed source system. I don’t mind butting some effort into my printer if it is more open. I mean my ender 3 is a lot of work. I’d assume it gets better than that.
I don’t have the space for two printers. But I think too that at some point upgrading makes sense. The Ender 3 is nice to tinker but I want something that just works.
Ich glaube tatsächlich, dass es viel öfter übermütige Jugendliche sind als unbedingt Scooterhasser. Solche die auch Mülltonnen umtreten. Aber das Ergebnis ist ähnlich.
Das muss doch bei fast allen.
Wenn man im Urlaub ist, bleibt man im Urlaub. Die Arbeit existiert nicht wenn ich Urlaub habe. Steht mir gesetzlich zu.
Egal ob das Rechenzentrum brennt. Im Urlaub existiere ich nicht für die Arbeit und umgekehrt. Ich gehe da nicht ran.
Matrix because I can host it myself. I like self hosting. But I agree that it is the least polished of all.