He’s just upset that Christmas has started before Thanksgiving again.
He’s just upset that Christmas has started before Thanksgiving again.
Fucker has to learn somehow. Maybe I should start storing my wires in soap.
I both love and hate your use of the thorn character. Keep doing you you beautiful bastard.
Glad to see there are some level heads leading this project. Also great answer to how to pronounce it, the GIF creator should’ve gone for that instead of the pun.
Security through obscurity isn’t security.
Companies do share data either directly or indirectly, so I don’t think your approach of spreading it out is as effective as you think it is. Still not the worst thing to do in addition to other measures though. Another thing is to use a unique email address for each site to make that one common data point no longer common.
So this is a thing with ADHD as well? I have social anxiety and man this hits close to home.
This 100% it’s so fun to laugh at how ridiculous the story and gameplay is with a friend. Plus each class truly feels unique in how you play them, so you have 4 play styles to choose from.
I’m going to refer to myself as USB-B from now on
UBlacklist does this, but you have to define what URLs are garbage manually.
PHP stands for “PHP Hypertext Processor”. The PHP in that stands for “PHP Hypertext Processor”. This pattern repeats infinitely.
It got lost in PHP’s infinite recursion initials
Really wish there was a text changelog attached to this post.
Asks for people’s opinions. Tells them they’re wrong. Nicely done.
Oh I see, I misread the announcement then.
That isn’t what happened according to the queer.af admins. They decided to let the domain registration lapse cause they didn’t want to support that government fiscally even indirectly.
It’s definitely a rule that can be taken so far that it is counterproductive, but I think it’s good practice to thbk about how I could use something other than a raw string ( even if it’s just a constant defined somewhere )
The key is to make the condo also out of cardboard.
While it’s “clunky” it makes it super easier for a non native speaker to figure out what is meant by it. I personally love how straightforward the language is like ambulance -> krankenwagen (sick car) make sense intuitively.
Fornite is no longer a game it’s a platform for games. I wonder if shitty movie tie-in games are now going to be shitty movie tie-in games, but they’re on Fortnite.