“aside from Elden Ring”
Bruh. This is the hot take here. Sekiro is excellent but I can understand why some don’t like it. It actually took my two tries, years apart, to get through it but after I did it’s one of my favorites.
However, why the frick wouldn’t you play Elden Ring? Blasphemy really
Read their username
Awww, poor guy looks sad
Ok you’re a liar too then. Neat
“If people aren’t exactly like me, they’re bad people”
You’re a bigot and a xenophobe
You. Are. Delusional.
Hope it’s true! Do not pre-order!! I will definitely be buying if it’s good
What about an expansion. Could I pay you for that please?
She may enjoy having fun
K. I’m done feeding the troll. Try being more accepting of people and you may find that your imagined persecution happens a lot less. Have a good day.
This is what is called gaslighting and it’s deplorable.
Asks question about psychology and masturbation. Gets well thought out response with source material and excellent advice. Responds to said comment in a rude way.
EveRYoNe is sO tRanSpHobiC!!
Lol. No. Your response was shitty and had nothing to do with the topic or the incredibly well thought out and empathetic response that you received. That’s why you’re being downvoted. Your gender does not give you permission to treat others poorly and you’re acting no better than actual transphobes.
Similar to the claim that god exists 🤔
Nice try but I see that Sith dog whistle
Beast Wars for me