In cryptography, a “nonce” is a number used only once.
In cryptography, a “nonce” is a number used only once.
You might not need official testing if your doctor is comfortable prescribing meds without it. talk to your doctor and see what they think. based on a discussion of your experience, they may be willing to prescribe you a minimum dose of an ADHD med to see if it helps. it’s not the most scientific way to confirm that you’ve technically got ADHD, but assuming you’re physically healthy, the worst case scenario would be that you have bad side effects, stop taking it, and you’ll have wasted some of your time.
I really like Kingdom: Two Crowns on my steam deck.
oh that’s interesting. I was under the impression that a GP wouldn’t prescribe simulant meds without sending me to a psychiatrist first. I’ll have to talk to my GP about it then. I haven’t discussed it with her since I came off atomoxetine.
you know, this meme is old as hell, but I still like it.