I brought up Northrop because I’m guessing they bid a Cygnus derived deorbit vehicle.
How is this a handout? They bid for a contract and won it vs competitors.
I’m hoping we get a source selection statement soon where they spell out why companies like Northrop and Blue didn’t win.
I think my next campaign needs a pawn shop that’ll consider buying anything but will seriously low-ball it if they can’t move it easily. And maybe need to talk to an expert they know.
Ok but honorary planet vs king of the dwarf planets?
That was mostly from a past group that basically disbanded. The more recent campaigns I’ve played and DMed in figure out characters together and roll stats in-person during a session 0.
I don’t necessarily want to kill all of them, but, you know, putting a metagaming mage in an antimagic field, a min/maxed flyer in a little cave, no flanking plus some poisoning to reduce sneak attacks…
I’m just done with people showing up with “broken builds” they found online and totally legit stat blocks that they definitely rolled.
In pursuit of known dunamancer Rick Sanchez
I have a “D3” that’s just a D6 with two of each.
Like this?
They’re out there somewhere…
If someone is born without legs, it might take True Polymorph to add some.
Yeah, the real kicker is the 25 gp worth of powdered silver.
In 5E, Lesser Restoration is free, so no one should really be blind, deaf, paralyzed, or poisoned. If they’re missing a limb, though, Regenerate needs a vial of Holy Water that costs 25gp. For a commoner who makes 1sp a day, that’s a lot.
Yeah, I feel like I’ve been in a campaign with both of them and would rather not do it again
but the womails and chimails, too
Maarva got it, too