If billionaire actually helped people it would be pretty much like government spending tax money.
Could’ve be much more efficient by just taxing the billionaires right away.
If billionaire actually helped people it would be pretty much like government spending tax money.
Could’ve be much more efficient by just taxing the billionaires right away.
or just have a vacant tax in general, if no one lives there, get charged extra, can’t find tenants? maybe you should lower rent. Not enough demand? Then the business should be unprofitable and you should not get into it, the government should not be responsible to guarantee the success of your business.
Them’s the rules, they kiss the ring and get their kickbacks
Extremely effective, happens all the time with amounts more than an average person can ever earn.
Physically get them out might prove to be a challenge as the customs would definitely question your bags of gold.
If you use a decentralized trading platform like Bisq, you can even use face to face cash trades that keeps no logs of anything that ties to your identity.
You should just order “sashimi” if you don’t want the rice, in buffet place the “sashimi” is just the protein part of the sushi
No one is doing anything, because we all decided when facists win legally, we must play by their rules of must not do anything about it.
wait so if you have another person travel to the other end of the wire, and do a time sync with consideration of time dilation to tell them to cut the wire 1hr after you turn on the power, will the device turn off after 1 year since it wouldn’t “know” the wire is cut until a year has passed?
too high to think about any reason to beat their spouses
companies based in country have to follow rules of said country.
If you don’t believe in that you can try to not follow sanctions and see what happens to your business.
and each of them buying their own house
yup, currently whatever is called AI is not intelligent, they do not actually understand the prompts and data points that get fed into them, they merely know what is the most statistically relevant answer from the question. We may still be able to keep improving on the current LLMs, but we will very soon hit a wall that a mathematical model that is only trained on existing data cannot pass through.
this would go into the same argument against piracy though, most of the time people don’t actually commission others for personal use stuffs, people tend to only commission stuff for things that are less personal and would be shared around. AI just happen to be a convenient option for that one use case.
well for people who enjoy those work itself, it’s essentially living a fantasy where you actually get rewards for doing a good job.
or pretty much any country that is not USA
that’s just screwing with the workers though, and the workers sure as hell is not going to get paid extra for your custom order
the bike is also believed to be rented
and apple’s ecosystem doesn’t provide that either by making non dev sideloading extremely difficult.
Well it being a criminal money is a plus, a main feature even. I got some from GPU mining ages ago so was selling them at its peak and it’s easily noticable how all the legal way to get money is all so traced and requires you to send your ID, sold them by dealing with buyers directly so no ID required instead.