So that is engineering. Is this character an engineer with knowledge of magic, physics and mechanics?
It’s fine and easy for a player to think in term of game mechanics. But the actual process is not so goofy. And the character is not the player. The dice decide after that.
I am not sure it would be any good. Basically it would mean the meta spells would be counterable like before, so the characters have an option to take less useful or more niche spells to avoid a counterspell.
But in practice counterspell is already constrained by memory slots, spellslots and actions (it takes a bonus action, which there is only one per turn), and also range and vision. It also takes identifying the spell to not waste your counterspell on something useless.
So I’m not sure what the intent could be with this. A wizard would basically be required to take fireball if only to counter it, and avoid using it against another wizard. It feels to me that it would decrease the possibilities, not increase them.