I think Sam O Nella dropped a new video too!
I think Sam O Nella dropped a new video too!
Only good game they did was Episode 1: Pod Racer.
It must have sucked if your ships cat was an asshole.
505 is one of the weirdest publishers to me, and probably the publisher I have played the most games from if I don’t include series with tons of games in them. Payday 2, Journey to the Savage Planet, Terraria, Backbreaker, Don’t Starve, Sniper Elite V2, How to Survive, Rocket league, Brothers. I can’t think of another publisher who has put out that many big games from different IPs.
Like they are going to pay people to work on something for that long. Or maybe all of GTA 6 is being done by like 5 people so they can focus on what really matters-inventing new vehicles for GTA online.
I love how every article mentioning a game/IP owned by Activision has to say that ‘now that Microsoft owns BAK, the game may be an Xbox exclusive. Ragebait journalism at it best.
Server Admin
You are missing some of the backstory, but the he game is still perfect on its own.
Red Dead 2. I prefer Xbox controllers so I will say on the Xbox One X.
Hmm, doesn’t seem to be working. Might be specific on the apps maybe
1 mega plus = 4.5
1 “roll” =4.55555556
1 double plus = 2.26666667
1 super mega = 6.
Sorry for formatting I’m on mobile
Home grown terrorists? You mean the ones that were invited into the Capitol for ‘tours’ by certain Republicans before trying to siege said Capitol? I don’t think they are trying to stop them.
Honestly I lm surprised they have that long to develop. When all you have to do is make some slight MP changes, makes a couple maps(since most of the maps will just be updated maps from already popular COD games, because why make anything fresh?) and then figure out how to make those maps into a single player level and cobble the levels together with some packing tape.
As someone buying a game? If it’s full of bugs, glitches, scummy monetization schemes, or feels outdated.
Kind of a misleading headline; he said that he couldn’t say no if they where to approach him, but he didn’t say he actively wants a movie.
Well Todd Howard is a good example. And I have very little faith in whatever Peter Molyneux puts out next. Thankfully there are many example because not many people are given the type of control over a game that this articles is talking about.
Of course, they are two of the top game directors in the industry. But I think you will find a lot more examples of games where it doesn’t work.
I would say that someone like Kojima is the outlier. There are not many developers like him that can make all the decisions about a game and make the right ones/make decisions that gamers actually agree with. Even Death Stranded wasn’t as big of a hit as people expected it to be. It has developed a large cult following, but it didn’t quite have the same fan appreciation when it launched.
Honestly I don’t think anyone should have that kind of power over a AAA game these days.
I’m good friends with the lead singer of a band who has 225 monthly listeners on Spotify, which is pretty good considering they are in Cambodia.