That’s more than I’ve peed on OP’s keyboard
That’s more than I’ve peed on OP’s keyboard
All I see is a bunch of asterisks.
The real question is always in the comments.
When you have a funeral at 3 but gotta be at a kid’s birthday party at 4.
My local store already has Christmas decorations out. I freaking hate it so much
Imagine standing around during guard duty and Darth Vader calls up saying if you have time to lean you have time to clean.
We’re talking about Unix so being as pedantic as possible is actually required.
Speaking both seems like a great choice.
My parents live in the country. They have one neighbor. He’s on meth so he likes to start chainsawing right around dark and continues until around 2am.
Hey man those 3 people are almost millionaires. As soon as their crypto drops they’ll be in the same boat as the Starbucks CEO!
Hot and a good cook? Is she single?
You’re getting downvoted because you spoke the truth.
It’s like the boats that look up at the sky, when rocks only look at the ground.
You say children’s orphanage, implying the existence of an adult’s orphanage.
Is there a way to jailbreak an Android phone using this exploit?
I didn’t even know they released a new console for about a year because I thought everyone was talking about the same thing.
I found some of my old code a while back that said:
Got interrupted killing children? better stop.
“crypto powered” portable console
Devs are getting ground up as
collateral damagepart of our employee retention plan
No, almost drown when I was a kid and have massive panic attacks getting into the water. In the last few years I’ve been able to get chest deep without hyperventilating but can’t really seem to float out anything like that without letting go of the side.