It tastes like ass, but over time you grow to enjoy the taste of ass, and eventually you prefer the taste of ass .
It tastes like ass, but over time you grow to enjoy the taste of ass, and eventually you prefer the taste of ass .
I eat tacos bell
I just bought myself a Bambu P1S, after building and modifying ender3s since 2019. I love tinkering and customizing things but it’s nice to have a printer that just works. Its so reliable that my wife can now print her own stuff using the app instead of giving me a list. The only thing I really have to do is change the filaments loaded in the AMS for her. If you have no experience printing I would just get a A1 mini and use it until you run into the limitations.
Rtx 3070
Upgraded my highschool family desktop I took to college with a GeForce 8800 GT , used until I build a new pc with a Radeon 7970 GHz edition, which was replaced with a rx580 after the card passed away from light coin poisoning. Desktop is now running unRAID and my new main rig has a gtx 3070 in.
I will always have a special place in my heart for the Kevin timeline because it was my gateway drug to the good stuff. I wound up watching all of Star Trek in chronical order enterprise to Voyager.
If you live near a college, check their surplus or recycling. I got a brother printer for the low price of fixing a paper jam.
Wait until they learn the Spanish word for black, or worse Latin.
My alignment is neutral good
I just wanted to see Luke in the role of obi wan or Yoda after decades of Jedi training be a hero and pass on his legacy by training the next generation. But I would have been ok with one heroic lightsaber battle, and a reunion with han, chewy and Leia.
Watching the last Jedi and seeing someone who tossed his blade away because he saw the good in essentially “Space Hitler” try to kill his own nephew because he was having a nightmare so out of character. Then having him overdose on the force and die like a chump, broke me. I left the theater in silence. The last Jedi is also the only star wars movie with out a light saber fight. No blades ever touched.
I paid $1000 for books my first semester of college back in 2007. I felt so burnt and violated I never bought another textbook. I made it through the rest of undergrad, a masters, and a PhD in biochemistry by checking out books from the library, borrowing textbooks from friends, and going sailing. When I taught I made it a point to teach my students about all the ways they can avoid becoming a victim like myself.
Buying my own Costco membership was the first moment I truly felt like an adult.
That’s probably more of a reason to get her vaccinated. Those topical flea and tick meds are rough. We got our cat vaccinated even though she was 100% indoor because she used to get too sick with topicals and liked to cuddle the dog.
Poor thing, I’m glad he has a loving family now. I once found a golden retriever wandering the forest while hiking in Indiana. She had so many ticks on her we had to take her to an emergency vet (since it was Sunday) to get them off. Luckly she was microchipped and we found her family who has been looking for her for over a week at the time.
If only there was a vaccine for Lyme disease so the poor pupper wouldn’t have had to suffer in the first place
Need more information to properly diagnose. Is this a new issue? Are you using auto build leveling for every print? Have you tried cleaning everything and rerunning the system calibration? A lot of different things can cause similar issues and it’s hard to diagnose from images alone.