I feel like this has taken something from the original post…
I feel like this has taken something from the original post…
It’s not a good day unless O’Brien suffers.
You never know. Picard, just a plain, simple historian serving aboard the Enterprise. We see Picard, Worf, and Data zooming across the desert in a dune buggy. His communicator goes off, Lt. Picard please report to stellar cartography… This goes ignored. Minutes later Lt. Cmdr. Daren and Cmdr. Riker suddenly appear in the path of the dune buggy. Riker yells ‘end program’. Picard, another victim of holo-addiction, finds himself once again late for duty.
I am interested to see blue movie Picard.
If these are spoilers you are about 30 years behind.
Two that I can remember: Q got temporarily kicked out of the continuum (reference d above), also when Q got banished in the asteroid and Janeway let him out, he became human, then committed suicide.