Yeah, but I guess I was hoping for a way to only do the unlock check when I raise the phone or interact with it. A notification coming through triggers the check, which I was hoping to avoid. Thanks for the suggestion.
Yeah, but I guess I was hoping for a way to only do the unlock check when I raise the phone or interact with it. A notification coming through triggers the check, which I was hoping to avoid. Thanks for the suggestion.
Heil kitler
Not this guy. I just use Apple because the devices and experience are better for me. I’m under no delusions, nor should anyone else be.
No, I know exactly how Google makes money. And you’re giving it to them. Sure, you avoid their tracking, but if you think they sell their phones at a loss, you’re a fool. Good day.
I’m not denying that, but your original comment was that especially Apple customers are bad.
If you buy a Pixel, you’re still supporting Google. So miss me with that sanctimonious shit.
Ok, but the implication of your post is that we shouldn’t give Apple money because they’re a bad corporation. So is Google. Yet we require these products to function in modern society. So, what do you suggest?
Oh cool I’ll just get my phone and mobile OS from this upstart named “goggle” or something?
I use the Magic Mouse in my left hand and the Magic Trackpad with my right. Makes all gestures and control possible.
He should have participated in an insurrection, he would have been pardoned.
Yeah, it’s “I don’t like uppity black people” wrapped in plausible deniability.
I’m willing to make a sizable bet that he will.
Might want to keep that handy
My bones are so brittle. But I always drink plenty of… Malk?
I know a guy with this last name who totally fits this description
Maybe he’s mad you don’t have food for him. He chonk
I do. I’ll turn it off and see how that goes. Thanks!