Google says this documentary is on Netflix for those also curious. Haven’t logged in to verify, but maybe someone else can fact check that.
Google says this documentary is on Netflix for those also curious. Haven’t logged in to verify, but maybe someone else can fact check that.
My wife bought me ADHD is Awesome by Kim and Penn Holderness. It does a good job of describing how Penn’s brain works differently and how he and his wife have learned to accommodate it successfully.
Side note, it’s tough for me to sit down and read so I’m slowly making my way through it to learn how to best manage myself. But from what I’ve read so far, I’ve had many AHA moments I’ve shared with my family or “this is me!”
In regions where LinkedIn or its affiliates use member data to train generative AI models for content creation, you can choose to opt-out of having your personal data and content you create on LinkedIn used for training (including fine-tuning). To opt out, use the Data for Generative AI Improvement member setting. Opting out means that LinkedIn and its affiliates won’t use your personal data or content on LinkedIn to train models going forward, but does not affect training that has already taken place.
Another ls
alias I’m a fan of is ls -latr
which I alias to lt
. It gives you a time sorted directory listing with the most recent next to your cursor (helpful for large directories).
Researching around this cause I thought it was interesting, certainly not an expert. Apparently your case is considered an “accidental American” and you can probably search for others in your scenario. The IRS has a tax treaty with Germany that should be able to help you reduce (or maybe eliminate) your tax burden.
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/tax-implications-dual-citizenship-what-you-need-know-daniel-morris-jfxle https://www.irs.gov/businesses/international-businesses/united-states-income-tax-treaties-a-to-z