Please be shadowrun. Please be shadowrun.
Please be shadowrun. Please be shadowrun.
The stuff you can do in UE5 just makes it a no brainer for everyone. Especially if you want an object and detail dense environment where lighting is super important. UE5 and cyberpunk is a match made in heaven.
I do home Godot can get similar features to UE5 one date. I’m rooting for those guys.
…He’s seen it all.
Wow. Not only incorrect, but incorrect in the worst way by fucking up maths by a factor of a thousand!
Auto scaling NPCs to your level is such a shitty and lazy solution to difficulty scaling. I’m so sick of it.
Why can’t they do an escalation system like the cops instead for each gang? The longer you aggravate them on their turf the heavier the guys are they send out. Much more realistic, and if you are getting your ass kicked you just scoot over to some other gangs turf.
Yup. I’m in enterprise Dev because gamedev pays peanuts. I earn 4x what I would in game dev. It’s terrible.
It should be. She’s a fucking genius and those games are amazing, gameplay wise and narratively.
I wish someone would give her a bunch of money to do a remake of the whole series.