Yyyyyyeeeeaaahhhhhh no that doesn’t hold water. See, fetishizing animals is wrong, and I don’t know if you know this, but they also do that. A lot.
And I don’t know if you know this, but being the guy defending loli and shota still makes you a pedophile, just the same as being the guy defending fetishizing animals makes you a dogfucker.
It’s okay, I still forgive your stupidity.
Oh no, please continue defending the fetishization of animals like it doesn’t make you look like an animal fucker, it amuses me greatly. :D
See the reality is that jerking it to animals fucking is still jerking it to animals fucking, regardless of whatever fiction you like to tell yourself. See I really don’t care about that last part, the reality is yer still jerking off to animals. Which, again, not all that different from the pedophile who jerks it to loli and justifies it with “akshually she’s a 12000 year old goddess in the form of a 9 year old”. They’re still a pedophile. If you like your fiction you tell yourself to sleep at night, why, good for you champ! Your reality distortion field only covers you, though. Doesn’t mean I have to indulge it. c: