One of the examples of hostile architecture in the OP is bars on a park bench. Is that to prevent pitching a tent too?
This is awesome work, I’m happy to see systemd on musl getting more attention. Poor Khem was doing it all by himself for years.
Baby Mammoth - Another Day at the Orifice
You can not highlight text in a commit message and leave an in-line comment in the same way you can for code changes in the diff.
GitHub doesn’t let you comment on the commit message either. The only one I’ve seen do this properly this is Gerrit. And of course regular old mailing list reviews.
There are so many blogs and posts about writing good commit messages, using Conventional Commits, etc, and the two most popular forges don’t even let you comment in-line on the commit message during a review.
GitLab still doesn’t even support leaving comments on a commit message. Like, what? GitLab and GitHub have all these fancy shiny features but still suck at offering basic code review functionality.
I never understood the appeal.
I’m confused, the behavior you just said was “exactly the same in git” is now a problem for Mercurial?
Old, unreachable commits will be garbage collected.
I don’t know if this is still the case, but IIRC browsers (chrome and Firefox) have their own sandboxing which is quite effective, but their efficacy is hindered by flatpak.
Huh, that must be why they made a big show about the data your device sends to their AI cloud is not stored or shared.
Early Knoppix live CDs have a special place in my heart
awareness of your personal context
Is this just a fancy way of saying “we track everything you do”?
I’ve used silverblue on my gaming rig for over three years now. It has been a completely uneventful experience, so I really like it.
The only pain point I have is that compiling kernel modules is an utter disaster and it’s ridiculous that there is not a seamless mechanism for this yet. Every kernel update (and there are tons) requires me to rebuild my third party modules, but you need to do it in a toolbox and the kernel headers version must match the running kernel version, which is actually more annoying than it sounds.
C++ is way ahead of C in the same way that a metastasized cancer is way ahead of a benign tumor
Was this written by AI?
Linux has dominated the router firmware market for a loooong time. Nearly all vendor firmware for consumer routers is Linux based.
GNU intensifies